I Love You

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Ariana's POV:

On The Phone:

"yes Jai, we're done with the duet babe, I miss you to, um i'm not sure love, I might just hang with friends, yes, aww baby ur so cute, love you to"

I closed the phone and threw it on the bed. I closed my eyes and it all came back. The look in his eyes, the love, the passion, the sadness, the ache, Justin had let me go yesterday, I don't think I could've rejected him, I don't think I would've pushed him off, he knew its not what I wanted, he knew and he didn't push me, he didn't take advantage of the way I felt.

I heard my phone ringing and quickly grabbed it seeing the name who had become to mean so much more than I ever right it would.

"hey Justin" I said feeing relaxed and happy

"hey love" he said making my heart melt.

"I miss you... So much" I whispered, it was like pride didn't mean anything when Justin, like I didn't care if I lost it while talking to him.

"you don't even know Ariana how much I miss you" he answered

There was silence on both ends, it wasn't awkward, it was just comforting.

"you wanna go to Disney land" he said

"Hell yes omg I haven't been there in a while"

"ok, cuz me and a couple of friends are planning on going sometime next week, so you're in"

"yes, can I bring some friends" I asked wondering if Lexi and Liz could come.

"ofcourse, they can come" he paused before continuing

"if they're pretty" he said laughing

"Justin bieber, their prettier than ur face dumbass"

"you're prettier than all the faces" he responded making me blush

"oh shut it you" I said laughing

"hey Ari, can I come over?"

"sure... But bring me chocolate" I said laughing while awaiting his answer"

"I'll bring you chocolate baby" he said

The call ended and I ran upstairs fixing my room not bothering with how I looked, I cleared the house a little knowing mom and Frankie would be out late tonight.

The doorbell rang and I ran downstairs and opened it seeing a pizza man.

"um I didn't order pizza" I said to the guy who was tying his shoe.

"yea, but some guy pretending to be Justin Bieber ordered and told us if we brought the pizza here, we'd get to see Ariana Grande and get a good tip, obviously that's not true but whatever" he said tying his other shoe.

I tried not to laugh and leaned on the door smirking and realizing how much fun Justin would have had and how much he'd have lined to see the look on the guys face. The guy finally got up and finally looked at me while saying

"so, you gonna take the pizza or wha-" his eyes widened

"Ariana Grande" he uttered

"yep" I said and I saw a car park in the drive way and Justin come out holding two big bags and walking towards us.

"oh, so you got the right address" he said kissing my cheek and looked at the pizza man.

"uh, um yep" he said

me and Justin laughed, after we paid him and he left, we both laughed.

"hey baby" he said hugging me tightly.

we walked up to my room and sat on my bed, I put on

"The fault in our stars" and sat next to Justin on the bed.

The movie started and we watched, it was the most beautiful movie and me and Justin both had spoons in a tub vanilla ice cream. Justin moved around till my legs were in his lap and he was eating a bag of chips.

The movie ended and I got up stretching with tears in my eyes saying

"that was the most amazing wasn't it"

"yea" he said looking a little emotional himself as he pulled me on his lap

I smiled at him and kissed his cheek while playing with his hair.

He breathed on my chest and it hurt that I couldn't do anything about it, it hurt so much that I couldn't feel his mouth on mine.

"Ariana" he said

"you know, I've never felt like this, yes I've been in love but this is something else, I can't even explain it" he whispered in my ear

"you, you're always on my mind, in my head, your voice, your laugh, your smile, everything about you is special" he said making me feel ontop of the world.

"Justin Bieber you have no idea how much you mean to me" I said

"Ariana, I don't wanna make anything hard and complicated for you but you have to know, that

I love you Ariana Grande, I love you" he said

My heart stopped beating right there, at that moment, the most amazing beautiful moment of my life.

"Justin, I love you to" I said and there we were playing with fire, me on his lap we tried not to dwell on how much there could be for us, but how it couldn't work, how much I wanted everything with him and he wanted it with me, how everything could be perfect in this moment but nothing was. Here we were thinking about the unknown wondering if it could be the only chance at true love.


That was sad, aww my loves can't be together... Just yet at least. But don't worry soon there will be fun and cuteness.

Comment and vote babies xx

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