Hit Single

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Ariana's POV:

"Teen superstar couple Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber released their duet "Someday We'll Know" which immediately went straight to number 1 on the iTunes charts in the first 10 minutes. Justin and Ariana both tweeted their happiness and appreciation to their fans and each other. The song is a beautiful collaboration that received positive reviews from critics saying that it was a "love song with a twist, it brings out the beauty of both their voices and it has an amazing melody". Fans were going crazy about the recent confirmation about their being a couple. We can only imagine what the music video will do"

"ahhhh" I screamed jumping into Justin's open arms. we'd just heard the TV reporter on "E" do a quick story about our song. He spun me around and kissed me, quickly slipping his tongue into my mouth and putting me on the table so he could pull me closer. I pulled away resting my head on his shoulder.

"guys" scooter yelled making us break away from each other.

He came and gave us a hug and congratulated us on the duets success.

"i've arranged an interview and performance on Ellen tomorrow ok"

"sure" I said squealing with happiness.

On Ellen:

"baby you're gonna be great" Justin reassured me for the hundredth time backstage. I hugged him feeling slightly less nervous as his arms wrapped around my body rubbing my back to comfort me.

"ok guys five minutes and you're on" one of the helpers said.

"thank you" Justin said still playing with my hair and rubbing my back.

"ok Ariana, you're on" I gave Justin a smile and he gave me a look of love and support and said,

"I love you, go kill it"

I went on stage seeing the crowd, hearing the music, and I started singing forgetting everything. Soon after Justin joined me and together we sang, he grabbed my hand spinning me around as my little skirt spun with me, I let out a laugh as he grabbed my waist pulling me off the ground for a second, the crowd was on their feet, clapping and singing. We got to the bridge and he grabbed my waist looking into my eyes, holding me there as I sang to him and he sang to me. The song came to an end and I felt Justin's lips touch mine for a spilt second not even giving me a chance to respond. I looked up at the cheering crowd and I hid my face in Justin's chest and he said

"give it up for the amazing beautiful Ariana Grande" I looked up as the screaming got louder and saw Ellen rushing towards us.

"that was amazing" she screamed hugging both of us and ushering us down to the chairs so we could do the interview.

"everybody give it up for Justin and Ariana" she said

"so" she said "that kiss was adorable" she smirked

"Ariana is very kissable" Justin said winking at me and I blushed and looked down.

"oh my God Justin" I said shaking my head at him laughing.

"you guys sure do make a great team, singing and couple wise" she said

"I'm lucky Ellen, she's a star and her voice perfection, her, Ariana, I love her, she makes me smile and makes me laugh" Justin said smiling at me. I got up and moved towards him and kissed him on the lips, I sat in his lap and said

"this guy, everything, I love him so much" I said and Ellen clapped her hands and laughed.

"so Ariana, album on the way?"

"yes, omg I'm so excited, its gonna be something really different than my usual sound, I'm trying new things and its dedicated to my fans who inspire and support me through everything, I really can't wait for everyone hear it" I said

"her album is gonna be great, you should definitely get it" Justin agreed. I felt Justin's hand move down my back and towards my ass and pinch it, I jumped up gasping and Ellen looked at me concerned as Justin bit his lip trying not to laugh.

"um, I just I got a tickle, you know, uh, uh a shiver" I lied badly and hit Justin on the back on the head as the crowd laughed.

He pouted at me and rubbed his head.

"ouch baby" he said frowning

"aww" I kissed his head and the audience awwed us. We laughed and looked at Ellen who laughed to.

"so when's the music video coming out?" She said looking between us.

Me and Justin looked at each other and said

"soon" then we burst out laughing and everyone started cheering and laughing.

"no, but really soon, its done, they're just adding some finishing touches." I said still laughing as I put my hand on Justin's cheek.

"give us a fun fact about it" She said smiling

"um, some of scenes were shot without us knowing so they were actual footage of me and her acting silly" Justin said playing with my hair which was starting to become a habit of his.

"yea we were just fooling around and he comes and says and that's a wrap and we're just like um ok" I said grinning.

"well now I can't wait to see it" Ellen said

"Ariana, if you can describe Justin in one word, what would it be?" She asked

I looked at Justin and smiled and said


Everyone awwed and Justin buried his head in my hair obviously getting shy at my sweet answer.

"and Justin what's your word for Ariana"

"Forever" he said quietly and leaned over kissing my cheek and holding my hand.

"you guys are just to cute" Ellen said

"well everyone that was Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber, get their single "Someday We'll Know" on iTunes, and watch out for the music video soon."

Justin and I waved goodbye and walked off stage hand in hand. Right when a were off stage, he pushed me against a wall and kissed me firmly slipping his tongue into my mouth as I pulled his head closer to me, he was grabbing my ass as I whimpered slightly at the feeling of his hips grinding against mine.

"don't do that to me" he said pulling away breathless.

"do what baby" I said kissing his neck lightly

"turn me on" he whispered seductively in my ear. He kissed my neck before straightening himself out.

So I wasn't allowed to turn him on but he was allowed to do that to me. Oh Justin, I sighed. I grabbed his hand and pulled myself closer to him. He kissed my head and pulled me closer if possible. I looked up to see him smiling at me.

"I love you baby" he said

"I love you more babe" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

We walked to the car hand in hand signing autographs and taking pictures. Things were perfect right now.


haha, idk this was whatever but yea.

Comment & vote babies xx

Give Me All Your Heart (A Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now