Anniversary Loving

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Justin's POV:

Phone Convo:

"yea, I'd like to book a room for tonight, deluxe suite, yes thank you and yea I want the jewelery set on the table with the letter, thank you, yes thanks so much" I ended the phone call with the hotel after booking a room for Ariana and I though she didn't know. I walked upstairs getting dressed and fixing myself up. I locked my house door and walked to my Bugatti, I was spoiling my lady tonight. It was our 4 months anniversary and I needed to show Ari just how much I loved her. I drove to her house and rang the doorbell.

"hey mommy" I said to Joan laughing slightly as she hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"hey sweetie" she said smiling at me.

I greeted Frankie hugging him and walking up the stairs to Ari's room. Her door was slightly open and I opened it and said

"HAPPY ANNIVERS- damn" I said staring at my girlfriend who was topless.

"Justin" she shrieked covering herself and rushing into her closet.

I walked in laughing and sat on her bed.

"you're so sexy you know that Grande" I yelled

She walked out hands on her hips,

"you're not so bad yourself Bieber" she said smirking as she turned to her vanity doing her makeup. I walked up behind her grabbing her waist and kissing her neck.

"not so bad, you're lying Grande, i'm fucking sexy as hell and you know that" I whispered kissing her ear letting my tongue move against her neck softly. She let out a soft moan and pushed her ass against me.

"damn Grande, the things I wanna do to you" I murmured, slipping her strap off her shoulder and bending to kiss it.

"damn bieber, the things I wish you'd do to me" she said turning around and biting her finger lightly.

I bit my lip, groaned and closed my eyes walking away.

"you make me lose control baby" I said sitting on the bed as she laughed and turned around finishing her makeup.

She came over kissing my lips and hugging me before pulling my hand.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and said

"happy anniversary love, that's what I wanted to say before you gave me that sexy sexy display" I  said smirking

"shut up bieber" she said smacking my chest and hiding her face on my chest as I laughed

"but anyway, i'm so glad to have you babe and I want to make you so happy because its how you make me feel. I love you so much, you're my always and you're my other half, my better half" I said kissing her forehead.

"Justin, baby I don't even know how to tell you how happy you make me, you're everything to me and I wouldn't give you up even if my life depended on it, thank you for being the most amazing boyfriend, and you're my forever my love, the love of my life" she said pecking my lips.

We walked downstairs heading out the door as Ariana said goodbye to her mother and brother.

"what you brought your most expensive car in order to impress me" she said jokingly

"is it working?" I said laughing as I closed the door behind her

"yep" she said laughing.

I got into the car and backed out of the parking lot.

I took Ariana to an exclusive Chanel museum because I knew she loves it, she squealed and hugged me before running off and doing her thing, then I took her for a spa day and while she finished that I spent time on twitter and with a few fans. Finally me and Ariana headed to the hotel, we walked into the lobby laughing and I said to the woman at the reception.

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