What Have I Done

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Ariana's POV:

I walked to the studio posing with fans and smiling at paparazzi as I signed autographs.

"how's Justin?" A fan screamed.

"he's good" I laughed.

My heels were making a clacking sound against the ground as I made my way into the building shouting I love you guys. I quickly ran to the room and got to my chair as my crew were there.

"ok Ariana, so you're album is gonna be released soon and we have the tour contact" scooter said

"yes and we have the dates, here take a look, we just have to find an opening act and we're good to go" my tour director said handing me a booklet with my set list and the places I was heading.

"any ideas for opening acts" scooter asked

"um" I said and suddenly an idea came to mind.

"how about the janoskians and Kiana brown because she might be dating Luke" I said excitedly

Everyone looked at me shocked.

"you want your ex on tour with you" scooter said surprised.

"well I mean they're fun and I like their voices are beautiful." I said nervously.

"well I mean I could get them for you" scooter said scratching his neck.

After a few phone calls, they agreed and Kiana agreed as well. My tour director gave me a pen and put the contract in front of me. I looked at the names,

Artist: Ariana Grande

Opening acts: Janoskians ; Kiana Brown.

I smiled in satisfaction and signed my name and gave the contract back to my tour director and I got up grabbing my purse and heading out after I said my goodbyes.

I took my phone out as I looked at my texts seeing one from Justin and then I remembered something, how was Justin going to feel about this? I opened the text.

" MyOne&OnlyLove:

Come over baby, have something for you ;) "

I smiled and bit my lip as I walked past the crowd of fans and into my car driving to Justin's house, I turned on the radio until I got there.I walked in to the house, it was dark, I took my shoes off and set my purse on the floor,

"Justin" I yelled out standing at the staircase.

"here baby" Justin said from his bedroom. I walked up the stairs and into Justin's room. I saw him sitting on the bed shirtless.

"hey baby" I said walking towards him. 

"hey love" he said getting up to meet me half way. He pointed to a bag on the nightstand.

I walked over to it and opened it pulling out a bikini.

"Justin" I laughed at the skimpy piece of closing.

"put it on" he said walking downstairs.

"Justin" I said calling after him, really confused.

I shed my clothing off and put the bikini on. I looked at myself in the mirror, I grabbed a robe I'd left over here and slipped it on walking out the door. There was a rose taped to the door. I grabbed it smiling and headed downstairs figuring Justin would be at the pool. I walked out and there was Justin with ice cream and brownies. I ran towards him as he set them on the table. I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed him as he smiled slightly. He grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him before walking back my lips still on his. I felt myself falling and I screamed gripping Justin's shoulders. We hit the water and I swam up wiping the water off my face hitting Justin softly while laughing. He grabbed me pushing me against the pool wall and bending his lips to my neck as he kissed me softy.

"baby" I moaned softly.

He grabbed my ass pulling my legs up around his waist as he moved his hand down to my area pushing his finger into me causing me to gasp and moan while holding onto Justin. He laughed and removed his finger and kissed me softly before kissing my forehead.

I hit him on the head,

"don't do that to me" I said whining

"i'm sorry baby" he said laughing while going up the stairs and grabbing a towel, I followed him up and after wrapping myself in a towel followed him and lied down next to him. He wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you" he said eating a brownie. I grabbed one and bit into it.

"I love you to" I said stuffing the rest of the brownie into my mouth. Justin grinned at me and kissed my head.

He got up and came back with a box, he opened it revealing a pretty silver bracelet with diamond flowers and emeralds in the middle of each, there were three flowers from each side and in the middle an A and J. I smiled as he grabbed my hand clasping the bracelet on it. I hugged him as he circled his arms around my waist.

"I love you so much" I said kissing his neck lightly.

"I love you baby" he answered.

I suddenly remembered that I had to tell Justin about my tour and I got nervous. I got up and pulled him with me.

"let's get dressed and eat" I said

"alright love" he answered. We both got changed and ran down laughing as he gave me a piggy back ride.

"Justin" I said when we got to the kitchen and he'd ordered McDonalds.

"yea babe" he said sitting next to me putting his arm around my shoulder.

"I signed my tour contract today" I said looking at my fingers.

"that's great baby" he said hugging me.

"i'm so proud of you and although I'll miss you, its gonna be the best tour ever" he kissed my cheek.

"yea but-" I started but was cut off by the security.

"let him in" Justin said

The doorbell rang and after Justin got the McDonalds and gave me my food.

"what did you wanna tell me?" Justin asked me.

"my opening acts" I said knowing this was going to be bad.

"what about them" he said looking at me confused.

"its Kiana brown and-"

He cut me off

"never heard of her" he said laughing

"and the janoskians" I said feeling my heart start beating really fast.

"and the janoskians what?" Justin said looking at me.

"they're opening for me" I whispered

"what" he said his face getting hard.

"Justin" I said

"let me get this straight Ariana you are gonna be seeing you're ex every single day and spending a hell of allot of time with him for a world tour" he said looking pissed as hell.

"not all of it, Justin just please understand, I wanted to help them" I said probably looking desperate.

"I can't think right now, I have to go" he said getting up and grabbing his keys.

"Justin wait" I said pleading.

"not now" he said harshly and ran out the door, I heard the car motor as it drove off. I sighed falling down on Justin's couch. I hoped with all my heart I didn't lose Justin because of this. It really wasn't worth it. Jai and all the janoskians weren't worth it but my relationship with Justin was. I started tearing up. What have I done?

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