Last Night

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Last night was the party to celebrate the victory of our quidditch team. Last night was also when Lavender kissed Ron in front of our whole class. Last night was also the night i slept with Hermione.

I remember it all too well, the way her lips fit perfectly with mine and how she moved my hands through her hair. Our bodies moved together so perfectly, that it will always be something i think about. It started as just comforting to help her forget all about Ron but i never thought it would end up like this. But i didn't regret it.

Last night we slept togther and i took my impulses too far. I have loved her for a long time and i fell into my temptations.


I left right after Hermione, i knew she has been having some feelings for Ron. I expected her to be upset and i was surprised when i found her on the back staircase crying.

"Hermione? Are you alright?"

"How does it feel watching Ginny snogging Dean? I know how you feel about her even if you never told me" She asks me through her tears

I wish i could tell her i never liked Ginny like that. She is beautiful, but Hermione is....she is perfect. I think somehow i have always loved her.

"I'm sorry for what you had to see in there" I said taking a seat right next to her

"It's fine Harry. I should have known, Ron and i wouldn't have worked out. I mean we fight more now than ever....maybe this was just a childhood crush" She tells me

"You and Ron wouldn't have worked out, he would have been a git to you within the first hour of your relationship. You're much to good for him. There are so many better guys out there for you. Your beautiful"

"No i am not Harry"

"You aren't like most girls here. You are beautiful both inside and out, that's the difference between you and every girl here. You are beautiful Hermione and i don't want you saying otherwise. Any guy would be lucky to have you"

"You say such sweet things about me and i always end up believing you. How do you always know how to cheer me up and make me feel good about myself?" She asks wiping the remaining tears from her cheeks

"I think it's just the Harry Potter charm"

"Well you definitely have that. I think your right though, i probably don't like Ron as much as i made myself believe. Maybe i just wanted to like someone...and he was there" She says

"Well you always have me. So how about we go back to the party and stop all this moping around. I seem to recall a few glasses of butterbeer with your name on it, i know how much you like it" I suggest

"That sounds wonderful"

I took her hand in mine and we went straight back to the party. I could see her mood imstantly become happier as we danced, drank, and celebrated the win.

After a few glasses of butterbeer both Hermione and I decided to head up to my room to be alone and talk for awhile.

Then came that first kiss. Her lips were so kissable, and i just couldn't help myself. She never stopped me. I took that as my opportunity to be more bold. Then came a long night of passion that i will never forget.

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