Please Say Yes

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He is so handsome, i can't help blushing everytime I'm around him.

All i wanted was to be closer to him, we are already best friends but I want to be more. I wanted more than just the simple hugs i get once in awhile. I want kisses and love bites on my neck, but that will never happen.

I was just sitting in the common room staring at the fire thinking about him. I mean how can't i....he's all i ever think about.

"Hermione?" I hear his voice say, i turn around

"Yeah" I eagerly stand up facing him

I felt my heart begin beating faster by the second. I tried my hardest not to stare at him, i could tell he just came from the shower since his hair is all wet and dripping just over his scar. I slowly look him down as my cheeks become warmer. I didn't stare for too much longer knowing he was looking at me.

"I was wondering if you could help me with the whole waltz thing? Professor Mcgonagall says that all of the champions have this opening dance....and i am not very good at the whole dancing part" He says laughing awkwardly

"I don't know if i am the right person to teach you. I mean i only just learned as well"

"I saw you dance earlier and you were doing so well....please help me?" He asks again

How can i say no when he looks at me with those beautiful emerald eyes. Everytime he looks at me my heart nearly explodes.

"I could never say no to you....let's go up to my dorm or something. Parvati and the other girls aren't up there. I'm sure you don't want anyone knowing you are getting dance lessons" I walked over taking his hand in mine

I lead him up to my dorm and preform a quick spell allowing Harry to come up to my room. When we walk in my room i quickly clean the clothes off the floor and shut the door.

"Okay now Harry place one hand on my waist and the other one in mine. Just like professor Mcgonagall did earlier" I first instruct, he does it perfectly.

I feel the butterflies in my stomach and his hand moves to my hips. He pulls me closer to him, were nearly nose to nose. I try not to panic when i feel his hand squeeze my waist a bit.

"Okay now follow my feet, but don't take your eyes off mine. As one of my feet step back, your moves forward. That pretty much it. You just have to follow your partner and trust they will make you look good" I imstruct

"Hermione there is no music" He tells me, i couldn't stop my eyes from rolling, we didn't need music to waltz

I stepped back and grabbed my muggle music player. I put on the most romantic songs in my playlist. It's called "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri. This song always makes me think about him, so why not play it. ( Yes. I know this song wasn't made back then, but i love this song)

We both got back into position and slowly begin moving across the room. He steps on my feet a couple times but soon got the hang of it. We danced together as i listened to the lyrics of the song. Neither of us could take our eyes off each other, i started to forget the music and just focused on the handsome boy in front of me.

"Hermione you are an amazing teacher" He says sweetly moving his body closer to mine

"Thank you....and you aren't that bad of a dancer. Whoever your taking to the ball is rather lucky" My heart sinks a bit as i picture him going with another girl to the yule ball.

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