My Worst Fear

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I was finally home from work and i just wanted a relaxing evening with the girlfriend. It had been a long day and i just needed a break. I walked our house only to hear sounds coming from upstairs.

"Ahhhh!" I heard her scream

I quickly ran up the stairs to our room. I was terrified, what if she was hurt? What if someone had taken her. I haven't heard screams like since her last nightmare a few weeks ago. It's something i wish never happened. Grabbing my wand, i raced through the door, only to see Hermione standing on the bed.

"Hermione what's wrong! What's going on?" I asked looking around at the empty room

I could see the slight fear in her eyes, but nothing seemed wrong. Why would she scream if nothing was wrong?

"There is a spider in the closet. Can you please get rid of it" She says clutching her clothes tightly and backing away further from the closet

I placed my wand back in my pocket and turned around, i needed to gather my thoughts. She screamed over a spider! I thought something was actually wrong.

" screamed like that over a bloody spider? I was worried you were getting kidnapped or having a nightmare! You can't do that to me! You could've been hurt or...." I started to yell but got interrupted

"I'm sorry! I just got scared and it was my first instinct. Can you please just do something about that thing. I hate spiders" She says softly glancing down shamefully

"The brightest witch of her age, who helped defeat the dark lord, is scared of a spider?" I asked her again, still not fully understanding how she could be scared of something so small

"Sod off! Just take care of it and you can continue making fun of me later" She yelled glaring at me.

I couldn't stop the laughter as i quickly took care of the spider.

"Stop laughing at me. They terrify me" She says pushing my shoulder

"I know...I'm sorry. Just please don't scream like that ever again, well at least not over a spider. I mean screaming is perfectly find in other situations" I told her, the light blush started to appear on her cheeks

"Harry do you have to be so crass?" She asks pulling me in for a hug

" know i love you. No matter how easily you get scared of spiders" I kissed the top of her head and pulled her in my arms tighter

"I love you to"

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