Skipping School for Love

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I have been up studying for my NEWTS for the last few days. I haven't had much sleep and I'm exhausted. As i am getting ready for school i can barely move let alone walk to class and try to pay attention to something i already know.

Maybe I don't need to go?

I don't think i really need to even go today. I know i am skipping, but i can't be the only person to ever skip school for the day. Harry always tries to convince to skip a few classes....maybe he is right for once.

After thinking about it for a while, i made my decision. I finished changing and raced towards Harry's room. I quickly knocked hoping he hasn't left for breakfast yet.

Knock knock

When he opens the door i see that handsome face i always dream about.

"Hey mione. What are you doing here?" He asks confused and happy at the same time

"I decided to take a break from school today. I have been up studying most nights and i just want a day to relax. I was hoping you would spend the day with me, rather than go to classes i mean?" I ask him

"Hermione Granger actually wanting to skip? I never thought this day would come" he teases

"Yes i am skipping but skipping classes would be more fun if you would join me"

"I would do anything to spend the day with you....alone" he whispers pulling my closer to him

"Harry stop someone could see us" I say slightly pushing him away

"Hermione i know we wanted to keep it a secret but i am going to kiss you right now and no one can stop me" he says rolling his eyes, he quickly pulls me to his lips.

His tongue immediately pushes it's way into my mouth. We continued kissing as he slowly walks backwards inside his room. Without breaking the kiss i pull my wand out and cast a quick privacy spell on the door immediately locking it.

"So Hermione we have all day....what do you want to do?" He whsipers seductively as he lightly presses kisses on my neck

"Well i think staying in your room all day would be perfect. You know just you and roommates. There is so many things we could do"

"That sounds perfect"

He grabs my thighs lifting me off the ground so my legs were around his waist. I pressed my lips to his as we fell back onto his bed.

He crashed his lips back on to mine quickly. I could tell how eager he is based on the thing pressing against my thigh. I felt his tongue slip between lips once again causing a sudden warm sensation in my mouth.

"Harry....what if someone....comes?" I ask breathlessly as i feel his sudden kisses move to my neck

I arch my back pushing my body towards him. He just does something to me, my thoughts, my new sex drive. It is all i think about...him.

"There is only one person i want coming right now" he mumbles into my neck as his kisses move down to my chest

I am so glad he couldn't see my face, my cheeks are nearly burning from that comment.

As i laid their enjoying the feeling on his mouth sucking on my neck, i felt his hands start to move under my jumper and against my stomach. In an instant i pushed him off of me and pulled my jumper and shirt off. I see his eyes widen as his eyes slowly move down my body.

"Your....beautiful" he whispers just before pressing his lips back against mine

I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling his was body closer to me. His hand slightly squeeze my breast, i couldn't help not moaning loudly as i felt such intense pleasure.

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