Together in the Forest

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How could he just leave us like that? He's gone and he is never coming back. Obviously searching for horcruxes and living in this tent was just too much for him. I know i should be crying over the fact be betrayed us....but i can't. I need to be strong for Harry.

"Hermione are you okay?" I hear his voice ask causing me to get out of my thoughts

"I am okay. I am just thinking is all"

He just gives me this knowing look, he could always tell when i am lying. Sometimes i can't fathom how brilliant he is, he always knows when i'm upset or sad. I may be book smart but he wins when it comes to everything else....including winning my heart.

"You always know when there is something wrong me. You just know me that well?" I ask him

He walks over to my bed and take a seat next to me. He just laughs as i acknowledge his people skills.

"You know you can talk to me right. I mean you always have"

"Yeah. Besides who else would i talk to....the air?" I joke, he just laughs and places his arm around my shoulders

"He hurt me too Hermione. He left us and i don't know if he will come back. I wish things were different and maybe he stayed with us....your probably thinking that to. He was our best friend and he betrayed us because he didn't like the accommodations, i'm sorry that i can't make you feel better about the situation" He whispers

I realise i never took any consideration in how Harry could be feeling about Ron's departure. All he is worried about is about how i am feeling, i haven't even asked him how he felt.

"Harry you make me feel better. Knowing that i have you here with me every night helps me forget about what he did. I hope i can do the same for you" I pull him in for a tight hugging trying to show him how he makes me feel

I think back to the small innocent boy i met on the train all those years ago. He has grown up so much in the last few year, not just in appearance but also in maturity.

"Do you think one day things will ever be normal for us?" He asks

"Were wizards Harry....nothing will ever be normal for us again. And besides I just happen to think normal is boring"

"I guess your do you want to play cards or something?" He suggests

"Sure only if you don't mind losing" I tell him getting off the bed and grabbing the cards

"Oh it's on Granger"

A few hours later....

"Harry you are such a cheat!" I yell angrily throwing the cards at him

He just starts laughing at me.

"Maybe i am just really good. For once it seems i succeed in something you don't" He teases

I had just lost blackjack for the fifth time in a row. We agreed no use of magic, so i don't understand how he keeps getting such a good hand. He has to be cheating.

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