Your Song

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It's a little bit funny
This feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can
Easily hide

I don't have much money
But boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where
We both could live.

So excuse me forgetting
But these things I do
See I've forgotten if
They're green or they're blue

Anyway the thing is,
What I really mean,
Yours are the sweetest eyes
I've ever seen

And you can tell everybody
This is your song
It maybe quite simple but
Now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is
Now you're in the world

I was laying in my bed and i was trying to sleep, but i just couldn't for some reason. It was only the middle of the night when i first heard her, it was beautiful. I didn't recognize the song but it sounded so romantic. I had no idea who was singing but it compelled me to walk downstairs.

I quietly walked out of my room and went downstairs and what i found out was a little surprising. It was Hermione.

She was the girl singing. I have never heard her singing before, but she sounded so beautiful.

She was just staring at the fire singing. I felt very strange just watching her sing was so mesmerizing. She looked so pure and beautiful as the fire shined orange and yellow highlights on her face. I never really noticed till now, she was so beautiful, even more than her song.

I knew i should get her attention and tell her about my feelings. But what would she think? Probably how creepy it was that i am standing here listening to her sing. But i knew i should.

"Hermione?" I whisper, i see her body nearly jump out of her skin as she turns around

"Sorry i didn't mean to frighten you" i tell her walking over to the couch to sit next to her

"It's alright. I didn't expect you. What are you doing down here?" She asks happily

"Well i heard you singing. I wasn't spying on you or anything. I was laying in my bed and i just heard the most beautiful singing, something compelled me to come down and find out who it was. I didn't really expect you, no offense, i just didn't expect you to be the singing type" i tell her

"Thank you. I don't really think i sound that well, but I'm glad you liked it" she says shyly

"You are a really amazing singer, you know?"

"I used to sing a lot in the muggle world. It always helped me to feel like myself when people would bully me. My parents would always record these videos of me singing and showing it off to their friends. Everyone said i was a lovely singer. But since coming here....i just never done it" She tells me moving closer to me

"You should sing more often. I would love to hear it"

"I don't think so. It's just as you said, i don't seem like the singing type"

"So...what was that you were singing? I didn't recognize it" i ask

"It's called Your Song by Elton John. He is a really famous singer in the muggle world. I thought you would know about him?" She asks confusingly

"Well they didn't play much music at the Dursleys, and if they did, i couldn't hear it"

I see her laugh to herself.

"So what are you doing down here. I'm sure you didn't come down here just to sing"

"I just needed some alone time. I wanted to just sit here in silence and look at the fire" she says resuming her staring at the fire

"Can i look at the fire with you?" I ask, hoping she will say yes

"Of course"

We chatted about school, friends and even how long she has been singing. I haven't had a talk like this with her in a long time.

"So will you let others hear you sing?" I ask

"No. It's not really something i do publicly, well except for you i guess" she says laughing slightly

"Will you sing for me?" (If you know what movie this quote is from, i will love you forever)

She simply nods before i hear the most beautiful song come out of her mouth.

Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling
Do you feel my heart beating
Do you understand?
Do you feel the same
Am I only dreaming
Is this burning an eternal flame?

I believe it's meant to be, darling
I watch you when you are sleeping
You belong with me
Do you feel the same?
Am I only dreaming
Or is this burning an eternal flame?

Say my name
Sun shines through the rain
A whole life so lonely
And then come and ease the pain
I don't want to lose this feeling, oh

Say my name
Sun shines through the rain
A whole life so lonely
And then come and ease the pain
I don't want to lose this feeling, oh

Close your eyes, give me your hand
Do you feel my heart beating
Do you understand?
Do you feel the same
Am I only dreaming
Or is this burning an eternal flame?

When she finishes, i could always feel memorized by the sound of her voice, her beautiful brown eyes. That bushy hair of her that only made her more beautiful. I moved closer to her and placed my hand on her cheek. I don't know what happened but i just felt like a magnet to her.

Without another thought, i leaned in and kissed her. I felt her kiss back almost instantly. Her arms wrapped around my neck as her lips pressed harder against mine. I never thought that i could ever feel something so wonderful, especially from one of my best friends.

I felt her tongue slip between my lips as she pushed me back on the couch and started to straddle me. I placed my hands on her hips holding her closer. I had no idea how long we were kissing for, but it felt like an eternity.

Soon catching her breathe she finally took her lips off mine.

"Was my singing really worth that?" she whispers

"No. Your everything is worth that. You are so beautiful Hermione, and this only makes even more love you" i tell her, I watch as a tear rolls down her cheek

"I love you to Harry....and by the way. If this is what i get everytime we kiss, i will be singing a lot more often"

Soon, we were both sleeping on the couch. I felt at peace. Maybe i should start listening to more music.

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