Never Looking Back

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It has been a long day and all I wanted to do was take a nice hot bath and relax. The hospital has been keeping me busy all day and most evenings, but I loved my job nonetheless. I was the best healer at St. Mungos and was the youngest one working there.

As I appeared inside my house, I noticed a letter and an owl waiting for me on the kitchen counter. I had no idea how long it has been there for. Of course Ron didn't bother to pick up the letter or do anything about it. That lazy git!

It was only three years out of Hogwarts and I was still with Ron. It wasn't like it used to be. We used to be so in love, but over the last few months I just felt like we weren't right for each other. That and I saw him kissing some other girl. I still think about that everyday. His lips pressed to Lavenders. Harry, Ron and I went out one night and of course he got drunk.

He said how sorry he was, but I could tell he didn't really mean it. We moved past that and now we are living together.

I took off my coat and my heels before releasing my hair from its bun. I made my way over to the kitchen and grabbed the letter from the owl. It was from Harry.

Dear Hermione

I know we haven't talked in a few days, but I just wanted to let you know I was back from my mission. Don't worry your pretty head, I'm safe and uninjured despite a few bruises. I hope you will come visit and tell me what has been going on. I hope you haven't been working too hard. See you soon

Love, Harry

Harry Potter. He was still my best friend as he always was. He was working hard at his auror job and had to go on missions practically every week. I have always been worried about what might happen to him on these missions. But he always makes sure to let me know of his status. I read his letter over again and I couldn't help but blush when he said "love Harry".

I just smiled and sent a quick response back to him letting him know how happy I was that he was back. I looked around and realized that I haven't been upstairs yet to see if Ron was back. Ron worked at the joke shop with George everyday, and he always came home and slept through the night. He acts as if he works hard every single day, he should try doing Harry's or my job for a day.

Despite all the problems I've had with Ron, I still love him. Sure I might not love him as much as I once did, but that doesn't matter right now. But then I thought of Harry. I never told Ron this but I still fancy Harry. He was always just so perfect to me. I thought about him everyday. I had to move on though, because he was still getting over Ginny. I moved my thoughts from Harry and made my way up the stairs.

"Ron are you asleep!" I called walking up the stairs

I then heard a thumping sound coming from our bedroom. He must still be awake. I made my way to our bedroom and I peaked my head inside. What I saw was shocking. I saw him having sex with Lavender Brown.

I took my head out and tried to stop the tears from eyes, but it was no use. How long has he been cheating on me? I didn't want to just cry my eyes out on the hallway. So I wiped the tears from my cheeks and I opened the door.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Is this what I get for working my arse off all day saving people. I have to come home to see you having sex with the biggest whore in the wizard world!" I yelled at the couple

Ron sat right up and tried to explain it to me. There was no need for an explanation.

"Hermione please! I can explain. I was drunk and it doesn't mean anything...." He tried to say but I cut him off

"You said that the last time you did this Ronald! You know what, we are done! I'm over you. Fuck off and be with her! I will be out of here by tomorrow and I never want to see you again!" I yelled before running back out the door

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