The Boat Ride

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I spent the last two hours getting ready for tonight. I was beyond excited because i have a date tonight with the one and only Harry Potter. He finally asked me out.

Most of the year he has been dealing with Slughorn and Dumbledore and i have been dealing with the whole Ron and Lavender stuff. But after avoiding Ron for a few weeks, Harry and i got closer. Which led to me to start liking him, which then led to him asking me out tonight.

"Hermione. You look beautiful, Harry won't know what hit him" Ginny says pulling me away from the mirror

I am glad to have Ginny. She is the only one who knows about our date tonight. I was worried at first since it seemed like most people assumed Ginny and Harry had something going on. But both have talked out and agreed to keep strictly friendship since Harry really only sees her as a little sister.

"I know. I am just really nervous. He gave me no details about tonight. But i guess i like that he wants to surprise me" i tell her fixing my dress one last time

I decided on a pink flowy dress that went just above my knees. And i decided to wear my hair down naturally, well with adding a few spells to keep it in control.

"Okay. You are ready. Now here is his invisibility cloak and remember to meet him by black lake" Ginny says handing my the cloak

"Thank you for everything" i give her quick hug before placing the cloak over me and heading out

Since we agreed not to tell anyone until after our first date, Harry insisted that i wear his cloak to sneak out of the castle. I quickly made my way towards the lake making sure i wasn't late. When i got there he was waiting for me.

He was dressed in formal robes that didn't look to overboard but yet still made him look well dressed. He looked so handsome

"Harry" i call out to him taking the cloak off

He turns around and i see his eyes widen. I walked closer to him and i noticed he had a white rose in his hand, they are my favorite.

"Hermione you"

"That is what i was going that for me?" I ask pointing to his hand

"Absolutely. A beautiful rose for a beautiful girl" He says making my cheeks to redden

"Thank you, its beautiful....So are you finally going to tell me about this secret date? What are we doing at the lake?" I ask taking the rose from him

"Well the moon and the stars are out tonight so i thought we would take a boat ride on the lake. How does that sound?" He asks, i can tell he is nervous

"It sounds romantic"

He grabs my hand and takes me over to the canoe. He helps me inside soon getting in on the other side. As he begins moving us to the middle of the lake i can't help but look around at the beautiful night sky. The moon was reflecting on the water as the stars brightened the whole sky. It was absolutely breathtaking.

I then look at Harry who is just staring at me. I could see the slight red appear on his cheeks as he looks away.

"Harry this is beautiful" i tell him as we reach the middle of the lake

"Not as beautiful as you" i hear him mumble

"Can i ask you something? When did you realize you wanted to ask me out?" I ask him, probably catching him off guard

"I will be honest with you. I have wanted to be with you since third year. That was the year i finally started noticing how loyal, kind, and beautiful you were. I always wanted a girl who could throw a mean punch as well, so i think that was a bonus. I just....Ron used to tell me how much he liked you and i couldn't very well tell him how i felt" He finishes, i am shocked at his confession, i would have never thought he felt that way about me

"Wow. I never knew you thought of me back then. My hair was bushy and i had buck teeth, but you still noticed me"

"I thought you were beautiful. I still do, you only became more beautiful over these last few years" he say quietly

"Your too sweet Harry" i say turning away from him

"Alright your turn. When did you first start to notice me as something other than a best friend?" He asks teasingly

"Fourth year. When i walked down the stairs at the yule ball, the first thing i noticed was how handsome you looked in your dress robes. But after awhile i thought you would never feel that way about me, so i focused on Ron. I just wanted to see what it felt like to be noticed. But clearly that didn't work out....and I'm glad"

Soon we were stuck talking about Quidditch, which i did find quite interesting. We also talked about our hobbies and memories from past years at Hogwarts.

"What do you think i would see if i looked in the mirror?" I ask him

"I think you would be a healer or possibly working in law. You know creating laws to help not just the house elves but everyone. Your the one who i think will really change the wizarding world" he says in a admirable manner

"Well i hope i do. You know this has been a fun date, we should do this again sometime" i tell him

"I would really like that mione" he whispers

I feel myself becoming drawn to him. I want to kiss him more than anything, and i can tell he wants to kiss me too. I see him try to move closer to me nearly standing up, but then i realize what is about to happen.

"Harry your not supposed to stand up....!" but before i can finish the boat tips over sending us both in the water

I instantly come out of the water and begin wiping my eyes. Harry is doing the same thing.

"In canoes" i finish

"I'm so sorry Hermione. I totally forgot about that. I just wanted to get closer to you" he apologizes, i could see the guilty look on his face

I don't want him to think this date was awful or anything. I didn't know how to fix it, but then an idea popped in my head. I move my hands under the water and splash him in the face with water.

"Hermione!" He yells

I couldn't stop laughing. It was so funny how upset he got over water.

"Your so on"

That's when all hell broke lose. We had a water fight in the middle of the lake. Back and forth we kept sending waves at each other and dunking eachother under the water. I then felt Harry grabbed me and took me under the water with him. I held on tightly as he swam around with me in his arms.

"Okay put me down Harry" I tell him

I just look at him for a second to see him starting to laugh. This has been the most perfect evening, and only one thing was going to make it better. I swam closer to him and grabbed his arm. He looked at me confused but then i leaned in and pressed my lips against his. I felt him starting to kiss back as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I didn't know how long we were there, but it seemed like an eternity.

"Hermione. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asks separating us


I placed my lips back on his as we continue kissing into the night. I just suddenly realized how much i love boat rides.

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