Love in the Common Room

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I was just relaxing in the common room late at night, i was curled up with a book and the fire was warming me up. I was the only one down here since it was nearly midnight, i chose not to go up to my dorm tonight. My dorm mates are kinda annoying, all they seem to talk about is boys and since i am the only one without a boyfriend it kinda depresses me. Ginny has Dean and Parvati has Seamus.

Me....i am alone and probably always will be. I have a crush of course....he's brave and hot, he has those certain eyes that always pull me in.

Harry Potter.

But he will never feel that way about me. I tried not thinking about him but it's hard when he is my best friend and were always together.

I just decided to forget about him for the night and focus on my book. I'm reading quidditch through the ages...i know i usually don't find interest in the subject but i know how much Harry loves it.

Just as i finished the first chapter i suddenly felt the presence of someone else. I slowly turn around to see Harry. He walks down the stairs with only his pajama pants on, i try not staring but his abs....quidditch is seriously helping with his body.

"Hermione?" He asks causing me to take my attention off of him

"Hey Harry. What are you doing down here? I mean it's late and you have practice tomorrow, you should really rest. I could get you a sleeping draught if you want and...." I ask him quickly shutting my book

"Hermione I'm fine. I just couldn't sleep. So i thought i might come down here for awhile. Do you mind if I join you?" He asks walking a few steps closer to the couch

I can hear my brain telling me how much of a bad idea this is having a shirtless Harry Potter next to me. But then again people say i use my brain to much.

"Not at all Harry"

He walks over and takes a seat right next to me. Our shoulders are pressed right against each other. My heart is beating so fast, I'm surprised he couldn't hear it.

"So why are you up so late?" He asked

"My roommates are having a girl talk and I needed a good place to read" I tell him, he just laughs

"Why have you not joined them? Girl talk means you as well since you are a girl. Isn't it just Ginny and Parvati? "

"Yeah...but all they talk about is boys and sex with those boys, and kissing with those boys, and going on dates with those boys. I have nothing to contribute to their conversation. I mean i don't have a boyfriend"

"Which makes no sense" He says bluntly

I am just a bit confused, what does he mean by that?

"What do you mean?" I ask him

"Hermione....your gorgeous, kind, brilliant, it makes no sense why you don't have someone" My heart kept beating faster, he called me gorgeous?

"Well neither do you. I mean every single girl in school probably dreams about dating you" I tell him right back

"Hermione....there are so many guys that would want you. You know what happened with Cho, besides most girls are too nervous to come near me. Also the girl i have a crush on doesn't like me" he sat forward and took his hand and places it on my cheek

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