Dancing In The Kitchen

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Short One Shot


I woke up to my empty bed, i swear Hermione was just next to me. All of a sudden i heard the sound of music coming from the kitchen. Someone was lightly singing and the music started to get louder. Putting back on my boxers, i walked to the kitchen only to see the most amazing sight.

Hermione was making breakfast and dancing. She was dressed in my shirt from the previous night and the shirt was falling off on her shoulder, she was so beautiful.

I watched her body move back and forth moving to the beat of the song. I thought back to last night, she was magical. Her shirt went up every so often as she jumped to the music, this giving me full view of what i saw last night. I couldn't stand and watch her anymore, it was just too hard. I snuck behind her and grabbed her waist.

"Ah!" She yelped nearly dropping the spatula out of her hand

"What a lovley sight this was, i didn't take you for a dancer. I'm not complaining one bit" I whispered in her ear

"Well maybe I'm really happy...especially after last night" She said turning around and facing me

I took in her morning features getting lost in her brown eyes and her morning hair. She looked positively radiant, even in the morning. I couldn't be more lucky.

"Last night made me happy to. It also made me happy watching you dance. Everytime you jumped you shirt went up giving me a full view....and might i say, what a view it was" I told her pulling her away from the stove and pulling her closer to me

"Harry at least let me finish cooking. We need to eat something" She says pulling away

Not wanting to argue, i went behind her and turned the stove off myself. We could eat later. Ignoring her surprise look, I wrapped my arms around her waist and started dancing with her. A slow song started playing and she laid her head in my neck. She knew the song well because i could hear her lightly hummed along.

I could still smell her strawberry shampoo and my cologne on my shirt. Last night went through my mind over and over again, it was something i could never forget.

She pressed a few kisses on my chest and stared at me with those beautiful eyes of hers.

"I love you so much Harry" She whispers leaning towards my lips

"I love you too Hermione, always" I told her finally connecting out lips

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