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  Here I am, sitting in a tree. Why a tree? Well, what a wonderful question. I'm in a tree, because not only are they fun to climb, but they are great for escaping zombies. This also happened to be an apple tree, and I was famished. Actually on the brink of starvation, but I couldn't allow myself to die that way. When I die, it will be epic, and NOT by measly starvation.

Anyway, I had been so hungry that I abandoned all common sense, and in a very ungraceful frenzy, launched myself across the field. The dying wheat stalks whipped my face and I mentally cursed the farmer that planted them. I always hated farms, but at this moment that apple tree was a godsend, an angel sent to me in the form of my most favorite thing on this crappy planet. Food.

I will never forget that first bite. The sound of the apple breaking under my teeth was delightfully crisp. The taste and texture of the fruit's juice enveloped my taste buds in a heavenly embrace. I felt like crying. Never in my life did I think apples would cause me to be emotional, but what can I say? It was delicious. I chomped down on the apple once again, savoring the sweet flavor. Who knew when I would eat something like this again? I was always moving, never stopping for anyone. All the members of my group either parted ways, or became the undead's next meal. Now here I stood, in a field more dead than my soul and eating apples that will possibly give me food poisoning. Live life to the fullest, as I always say.

I regretted my decision, however, when I noticed the silence. Animals thrived in this new world, now that people were out of the way. Some had mutations that made them look like monsters from your nightmares made real. And they were always making noise, and it got worse at night. But now, the field was quiet, and the thicket of trees behind me that signalled the beginning of a large forest seemed to freeze. The silence was deafening. It was so consuming, so terrifying because I knew what it would bring.

The half-eaten apple slipped from my fingers and collided with the soft dirt, making a dull thud. Quicker than lightning I scrambled from branch to branch of the tall apple tree, trying to be as silent as possible. Once I reached the highest branch that could support my weight without snapping, I searched the area, and the ground below the tree. For several seconds, it remained so still, I was beginning to feel like a paused movie. Then I heard it.

To my right, around ten yards away, I saw a figure. It was human, actually, and undeniably male. But his body was incredibly disfigured. His right arm was bent awkwardly and his left arm was gone entirely. I knew he was dead. I heard him before I smelled him. The ugly, haunting groans the left his pale lips sent a stampede of shivers down my spine. Then the foul stench of him met my nose. I gagged and covered my mouth and nose with the sleeve of my tattered navy sweatshirt.

He must have seen me. I cursed. I need to be more careful. I can't make mistakes out here, because one foolish act could be your last. In this new world, all animals, even the vicious mutated ones feared or avoided the undead. The scent alone they brought with them wreaked fear and a sense of hopelessness. Now, I regretted my foolishness even more, for I had left my backpack full of weapons and supplies at the start of the field. I had forgotten about it when I saw the apple tree, dropping it during my dead sprint towards food.

"Stupid, stupid." I growled under my breath. The undead man lay only a yard away now. His stench more overpowering than ever. Looking down I noticed I had a cast iron frying pan strapped to the belt loop of my cargo pants. No one understood why but I always favored the pan, for it never failed me in my time of need. Restrapping the cast iron beauty, I clenched the sleeve of my sweatshirt tightly. My knuckles turned white from the pressure and sweat beaded on my forehead from the anxiety of the horrifying situation. Closing my eyes, I let out a shaky breath in attempt to calm and prepare myself. Then I was ready.

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