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"Oh my goodness."


"You are the perfect match to the empty pit of my soul."

Crunch, crinkle, crinkle.

"I love you" I whispered, holding the half-eaten chocolate bar in front of my face.

Liam sat watching me inhale chocolate....anything. His eyes followed me, trained on every movement, as if I would run at any moment. Well the joke's on him! I was too busy having an anxiety attack to use any part of my body other than my hands to open wrappers and my mouth to eat the chocolate.

"You ready to tell me yet?" Liam asked, seemingly very impatient. I held up a finger, as I used another hand to shove more chocolate into my gaping jaws. He sighed loudly and flopped his head dramatically onto his hand, resting it there. I took that time to chew very slowly....and buy myself some thinking time. I expected more thinking time in the beginning when Liam brought me to the candy isle to help calm my panic attack, but that was the last thing to happen.

"Well," I swallowed the half-melted piece of chocolate with a painful 'gulp'. "What do you want to know?"

"Well that's specific." He stared deep into my eyes as I spoke. He sat with his legs stretched out and I sat cross-legged in the middle. I shifted, moving my foot a little. It twinged with pain and I realized it fell asleep.

"I fell out of a tire swing when I was eight," I began, "broke my nose on the cement......Um.....I once stole a lollipop from a gas station, and I choked on it. It went down my windpipe and I had to get surgery because the lollipop stick impaled my intestine, that was fun..."


My eyes shot up to his. My words died in my mouth. I uttered a small, dry, "Yeah?"

A small smile graced his face. "You know when I said 'everything' I didn't mean EVERYTHING. Stop stalling."

I debated on whether or not I should reply with a witty comeback, glare at him, or try running away... but none of those options would work. If I ran, he would surely catch me, If I was witty he would still somehow get the truth from me. If I glared at him, well, that didn't stop my mouth from moving in any way, shape, or form....And I am pretty sure he was immune to my Medusa stare by now. Usually that stare made men shake in their boots! Darn. I sighed. There was only one option, and that was the truth.

"You want the truth?" I muttered, looking back into his steely grey eyes.

"The whole truth and nothing but the truth, thanks." His eyes twinkled. They wouldn't be twinkling like that much longer, especially when he finds out who....more like WHAT I am.


Then the world exploded and everyone died! Oh the horror! The inhumane ending! How could it end like this!

Well, it just does. I would like to thank all who watched, and all who attended! The credits will be up shortly!


Story by Me, actors by me, and the rest of the show was produced however they make movies nowadays! Thank you and Good Night!

"MATEO." Liam snapped his fingers in front of my face.

I shook my head and stared at him. "Yes?"

His eyes filled with confusion. "You zoned for a little bit."

Yes I did, and it was a good zone too. At this moment I really did wish it was a movie and the world did explode....but not all wishes come true, do they?

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