It's only a paper cut

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"My Body needs A reset button."

-Maxine Quotes

"You like Krabby Patties don't you Squidward."

That was the one and only quote that I always remembered. I cherished it with my heart and soul. Did Squidward really like Krabby Patties? Yes, yes he does. I loved that episode, I felt I related to Squidward on a personal level, although in this situation I was Spongebob and Liam was squidward. AH. I loved that episode.

I didn't, however, love it as much as what greeted me that morning...exactly two days after I had fallen from that darn cliff into the river of doom and was attacked by the grizzly bear of pure evil.


"Ah, voices you have come." I mumbled, my breath blowing bits of sand into the water of the river.


"I hear you, voices, there's no need to yell at me. You are in my head, I already have a headache so could you keep it down?"

"MATEO! Where are you!"

Wait a minute....

"I am here?" I wheezed, my voice small, fragile.

"Mateo, please answer me!" The desperate angel's voice pleaded.

I felt bad, so terribly bad for distressing the angel. My heart reached out to him, giving me some strength to speak,

"I'm here!" My voice broke, and I coughed, liquid drizzled down my chin. Seconds later I realized that liquid was a steady stream of blood. He needed to hurry. "I'm here." My voice lowered to a weak whisper.

Splashing echoed behind me, but I didn't have the strength to look. I lay in wait for the angel to find me, to help me.

I saw a shoe, then a knee as he leaned in front of my face. "Mateo," He seemed very close to sobbing. "Oh, Mateo. Oh my go-"

"Hey." I interrupted weakly. "Watch your language."

You would think an angel would have a better vocabulary.


Whoops I said that out loud.....

"No, Mateo, honey, it's me."

I felt a callused hand on my face, then realization hit me with the force of a freight train.

"Liam?" I whispered, he was about to respond but another hacking cough overtook my lungs. I felt more blood drizzle down my face.

"I'm going to get you out of here. You're going to be okay. You're going to be fine."

I whimpered as pain exploded in practically every part of my body. He was carrying me now, bridal style, and my ribs were making the sound of Rice Krispies.

"Liam." I whimpered, cringing at the effect my voice had on my battered body.

"What?" His eyes shot down to my face, searching." "What's wrong?"

"Oh, you know," I coughed again, more blood spilling from my lips. The scarlet color would have made me queasy before the, it just signified a sign of life, since zombie bodies did not create more blood, and their remaining blood was chunky and thick. "I can't feel my legs, my head hurts, I am cold, and I am positive that I have frostbite in at least two places on my body. But other than that I am great." I wheezed some more, the effort it took to speak was much greater than I anticipated.

Liam flinched, his face had regret written all over it. "Oh Mat, I am so, so, sorry! I never should have let you go like that. I'm so stupid! I let my guard down for ONE second and- Mmph"

One second, he was endlessly apologizing, and the next, my lips were on his, silencing him. The kiss was soft, hesitant...Well, HE was hesitant anyway. I on the other hand had no problem taking the lead for once.

He responded seconds later...surprisingly kissing me back, even though I looked like I got shoved into the blender on the puree setting.

It was when we both parted for air that I spoke,

"Yes, I agree, you are stupid."

He began to speak again but I silenced him with some more mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. He didn't seem to hate my method of shutting him up.

"Shut up you dork" I smiled again, this time leaning my head on his chest and allowing him to continue walking. He remained silent, from shock or curiosity I did not know. "It's the apocalypse, there isn't any time for apologies. Now let's go raid a 7/11."


  (Of book Got you.)  

Now, there will be a book two, since I am obviously WAY too attached to the characters and we all know that there's more coming for Mateo, Liam and Aislynn.

 (I am also adding new characters, If you want to be in the book, comment here!!) I can see where I can (Hopefully) add you in if you want.....Just ask, maybe give me some ideas as to what you want to be or your significance to the story!

New characters I am adding:

Two men (One 19 and one 16)

Three Women (13, 22, and 17)

And one crazy dog (Male) To be friends with Sam

And there is always room for zombies so I can add as many as I want, and even give them the characteristics you so desire!

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