Aislynn the cheesecake goddess

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Here I stood, in front of the most glorious building man has ever created. Liam seemed to not notice it as we walked by, scavenging for anything of use. But I did, oh HO I did. Liam, however, was currently being a pain in neck.



He shook his head once more. "Nope." He replied, popping the 'p' at the end.

"But LIIAAM." I wailed, grabbing his bicep through the thick coat and attempting to shake him. My attempts proved futile, however since the man was roughly the size of the Titanic.

"Titanic?" Liam's gaze was amused.

"I said that out loud?" I stopped trying to shake his cement-block-of-an-arm and scowled. "Well you are....but you know they also believed that ship was unsinkable!" Liam's face became even more amused, and his small smile slowly transformed into a grin.

"Did they now?"

"YEP. SO I CAN MOVE YOU." I cheered, feeling motivated. Releasing his arm from the death grip of my half frozen fingers, I tried thinking of another tactic. Liam lost interest and stood there and observed the area, his feet planted firmly on the ground. 'They wouldn't be there much longer', I giggled maniacally in my mind.

Angling myself so my feet were firm, I pulled Iron Beauty from her strap on my belt. My fingers gripped her handle tightly as I practice swung like a professional baseball player. Then I launched my assault. Swinging as hard as I could I whacked him in the rear end with the Iron Beauty with a resounding CLANG.

Liam squealed so high pitched that Sam began howling. I prepared to swing again but Liam flinched away. . Ha! My method of torture worked!


"LIAM WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE." I shrieked, pointing my frying pan at him threateningly. He shut up, but his face clearly expressed the silent pain emanating from his rear end.

"HAHAHAHAHA HAVE FUN SITTING DOWN ON THAT TONIGHT HEHEHE." I cackled, quickly dodging his arm as it shot out to grab me. Liam swiped at me again, but missed. My cackling grew louder as my combat boots slapped against the pavement in the direction of the Cheesecake Factory. Yes, a Cheesecake Factory. My heart swelled at the sight.

"MAT GET YOUR BUTT BACK HERE." Liam roared, finally starting to run after me.

"NO." I hollered.

"I could just let you leave me! Let you go all on your own!" This man had serious issues. Sprinting full speed, with most of our supplies on his back, gaining on me, and he spoke without the slightest hint of short wind. Freak. He continued yelling. "You'd be dead within a day without me! You're nothing but trouble! I'd be doing myself a favor by letting you die!"

"And...." I huffed a couple times, my pace slowing. "Yet..." Oh my gosh, how did he do it?! "You're..." I was walking now. "Still..." I puffed a few more times. "Following me." Too much talking and exercise at once. I leaned over my knees, gasping for breath, and Liam pulled up alongside me.

"Well," I huffed, "Now that we're here we might as well go inside." Puffing up my cheeks with air, I held it in for several seconds before letting an enormous breath out in a whoosh.

"We?" Liam was still glaring at me. Huh, I wonder why... He turned around so it was his back that faced me, and folded his arms stubbornly. "I am not going in there."

"Suit yourself." I shrugged, then marched over to the front entrance of the factory. My legs wobbled with every step. I hate exercise. Gripping the handle to the door, I gave one last glance back at Liam. He was looking at me, but when I turned to look back at him, his face whipped back around and he whistled. "Subtle Liam. Very subtle." I muttered, then turned back around.

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