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Requested by shawncutemendes

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"Morning." My co-worker Sarah says smiling.

"Morning." I say smiling back as I check on a patient.

"So, hows everything with Shawn?" She asks, Sarah was practically my best friend now since I started working as a nurse at the hospital, on my first day of working here she was the one to show me the ropes, and we instantly became friends.

"Amazing, he actually proposed to me last night." I say as I hand a nice old lady her medicine, I hear Sarah squeal as she runs over to me.

"Let me see the ring!" She says, I laugh as I hold out my hand,

"Let me see the ring!" She says, I laugh as I hold out my hand,

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"Oh my gosh it's beautiful! Congratulations (Y/N)." She says as she hugs me.

"Thank you!" I say smiling.

"We're you expecting him to propose?" She ask as we go to the next room, I shake my head.

"Not at all, I was so surprised." I say, she smiles.

"It's about time he proposed anyways, I mean y'all have been together for what three years? I'd say it was the perfect time for him to do this." She says, I smile as I look down at the ring.

"Yea it was." I say as we take care of the patients in the room, not long after we started to give the patients there medicine, an alarm starts going off and another one of our coworkers comes into the room and locks the door.

"What's going on?" Sarah ask.

"An active shooter just entered through the office, we're under lockdown." She says frantically.

"What!" Sarah and I say at the same time.

"What are we suppose to do?" I ask.

"I was told that we just need to lock the doors and stay in a room, the cops have been called and should be broadcasted on the news here in a few minutes." She says, my heart is now beating out of its chest, I was now scared, my only hope was Shawn and weather I would be alive to see my fiancé again.


"Yea mom, I finally asked her and she said yes." I say with a smile.

"Oh honey that's congratulations! I was wondering when you were gonna ask her!" My mom exclaims over the phone.

"So have you guys talked about what you wanna do for a wedding?" She asks.

"I mean we talk some last night after I did the proposal and talked some this morning about it as well, we don't wanna rush into it, we wanna wait a bit, but we do know that we wanna do the wedding outside and either during the summer or spring, but we are also considering doing it the fall also, but we don't know yet." I say.

"Well that's great honey. Look I gotta get going, Aaliyah just texted me saying she's ready to be picked up from her friends house, so I'll talk to you later honey, tell (Y/N) I said congrats and I'll be seeing you and her soon." She says, I smile
"I will mom, be careful driving." I say.

"I will darling, love you." She says.

"Love you too mom." I say as we hang up, I smile, (Y/N) and I have been calling everyone in our families nonstop about the engagement and couldn't be more happy with peoples reactions, I sit down on the couch and turn on the tv, the news pops up, (Y/N) always watched some of the news before heading to work at the hospital, mainly just for the weather report and weather she wants me drive her or not, most of the time she does want me to drive her just because she likes having the extra time with me, funny thing is I actually drove her to work today, I'm about to turn the channel but stop when I see what they're covering.

"A lockdown has occurred at Shrine Hospital on West Road, an active shooter is currently in the hospital and is the reason the lockdown has happened, we are currently live on this and will be till the shooter is caught, police are now surrounding the building and have also made there way inside." The news lady says.

"What? N-No, (Y/N)'s in there, I-I gotta get down there, I gotta know she alright." I say to myself as I grab my jacket, wallet and keys, I leave the tv on, not caring if it's left on and quickly lock the door, I get in my car and speed to her work, with tears brimming in my eyes.

Once I made it to the hospital, police cars and news vans are everywhere, I get out, not sure if it's safe for me to be here, I look around and see that other people are here also, I look at the police with there guns out pointed at the building, tears threatening to fall.

'She's Fine Shawn, she's fine, she's gonna come out of this alive, do not worry' I think, but I can't help but let a tear slip out, suddenly an officer outside starts yelling something.

"HE'S BEEN CAUGHT! I REPEAT THE SHOOTER HAS BEEN CAUGHT, I'M BEING TOLD THAT NO ONE WAS KILLED, BUT SOME WERE INJURED!" He yells, I can't help but fall to my knees and begin to cry, she was alright, my beautiful fiancé was alright, I got back in the car to call my family and (Y/N)s to explain what happened, I was going to stay until everyone was starting to come out, I watched as they brought the shooter out in handcuffs and then watched as people began to walk out of the hospital, I got out of the car to try to find (Y/N) in the Crowd, and that's when I see her, she and Sarah, one of her friends that She works with, Ive net her a few times, she's nice, they walk out, each holding one another's hands, I watch as (Y/N) begins to look around frantically, a worried look in her face, and that's when our eyes meet, I watch as her eyes begin to water and she turns to Sarah, Sarah and her begin to walk over to me and once she was close enough to the point where I could run to her, I did, I pull her into my arms and begin to cry, (Y/N) begins to cry as well, I pull back a little to give the most sweetest kiss and then bring her back into my arms.

"Baby, oh thank god your alive, oh you have no idea how happy I am, as soon as I seen the new that your work was on lockdown, I headed down here right away." I say, I pull back to look at her, tears are streaming down her face.

"I-I thought that I probably wasn't g-gonna see you again." She sobs.

"Oh baby." I say as I pull her into my arms, Sarah comes up to her and puts her hand on (Y/N)s back.

"Go home (Y/N), I'll call you tomorrow to check on you." Sarah says, (Y/N) nods as she pulls away from our hug and gives Sarah a hug, after she hugs Sarah I go to hug her as well.

"Thank you for being with her though this." I whisper.

"Your welcome, and congrats by the way in your engagement, probably isn't the best time to say that." She says, I laugh a little.

"It's fine and thank you." I say as I pull away from our hug, I bring (Y/N) into my arms and we turn to Sarah on last time.

"Thank you again Sarah." I say, she smiles.

"Bye Sarah." (Y/N) says.

"Bye (Y/N)." Sarah says as we head for the car and then home where we kept each other close for the rest of the day and night.

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