IX. - The Alpha Wolves.

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Okay, this was it!, thought Chace as he walked out of the locker room with his teammates. This was the moment of truth, there was no turning back, no running. Either you win or you lose, but Chace DuCarter wasn't here to lose, he was here to win the game and to win someone's friendship. He was motivated and determined, and that's how you win.

The school stadium - known as the WolvesArena -, was full of people; students, parents, teachers and coaches. Everybody was cheering for them, Chace raised his helmet in the air, greeting the supporters whose screams got louder and louder. Lights were directed on them, he could feel his heart beating, one beat at time. Slowly, patiently, normally. His eyes were scanning the crowd of people, hoping to spot a familiar face, Cihangir Callaghan's face, but he couldn't; there were too many people, countless of them. The screams got louder, making his heart race. Suddenly, he felt sick and he his hands began to sweat. It was too much; he never experienced something like this. Of course, he played many games where their people and supporters cheered for them, but this, this was absolutely new. People were standing because there was no place left. Every restaurant, every bar was hanging the same sign : « Closed for today's game ». He didn't want to disappoint all those high hopes.

"Look at all those people", Duke's voice murmured, looking at the sea of people, still cheering and holding signs.

"I feel like I'm going to throw up, man", Chace confessed, standing still. His teammates were all here, looking at him, looking up to him. For the first time in his life, he was scared. Chace wasn't one to live to anyone's expectations; he always thought that when people saw good, they expected good and he wasn't one to fulfill anyone's demands.

"They're here", Chace looked over his shoulder to see the other team coming with their coach and mascot. This was going to be interesting. Wolves versus Sharks. Suddenly, the lights went off. The stadium was in darkness and the cheers stopped like they never were. What was happening? Next, the drums were played and a melody flooded the stadium. It was a strong rythmed sound. The lights were back on, but not with the same intensity. The Alpha Wolves turned to face the supporters who were standing up on their feet. Hands on the air, they started applauding, flowing with the melody.

"BEEN TO HELLl! I CAN SHOW YOU THE DEVIL!", they all screamed at the same time, as the drums' sound got louder. It was a surreal scenery to see these people showing support after all the failures that their team had experienced. After all, it was true: if you have faith, you can conquer. The supporters continued to shout their lines, in one voice, as the Alpha Wolves lined up, facing them and raising their helmets as a sign of love, gratitude and especially respect. They didn't lose faith in them despite failures, they didn't let them down and that was a gift. They were determined to pay them as they deserve: a kick-ass game. The singing crowd retrieved the athletes from their dreaming, as their voices continued to chant, united.

"Down you fell, can't hold yourself together,

Soul to sell, down here you live forever,

Welcome to a world where dreams become nightmares!

Welcome! Welcome!

In the belly of the beast, I'm a WOLF amongst sheep,

At the bottom of the hill, but at the top of the street,

Above the boulevard, schoolyard, victim of deceit,

And you're running hard, but this WOLF is always at your feet,

Yeah you've seen it all before, but the WOLF's outside your door,

And you're old enough to run, you ain't hiding anymore.

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