XXIV. - Chains.

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Adrianna Kitsch glanced towards her mother who was talking for half an hour about the wedding preparations, her voice energetic and oddly alive. The slim brunette left the room and got out to the balcony, passively looking at the buildings and towers. Stonecrest Lake seemed such a beautiful, peaceful city, almost captivating. But Adrianna knew that so many secrets hid behind the alluring facades and bright smiles, so many agreements and alliances were gladly made to avoid scandal. Tears began forming in her eyes, shadowing her vision. She didn't want to marry Thunder Matthews; she was only twenty. She heard footsteps approaching her, so and quickly wiped off her tears.

"Adrianna...", a voice shakily began while a gentle warm hand tapped her shoulder.

The young woman recognized her best friend's voice, who resumed her talk.

"You know you don't have to do this."

Adriana turned to face her with a rage that quickly faded when she met her eyes.

"And who is going to save Crescent Holding?", she gasped, trying not to cry. "Did you think about it? About Tyler and Derek?".

"I do, but it's not for you to worry about it, Ade."

"I am the only one who can save us, Keira.", the beautiful lady replied through gritted teeth. "Derek left me no choice."

"The sick bastard!", Keira Van Horn muttered, rolling her eyes. She then held her best friend's hand in hers and gently squeezed it, as if trying to communicate strength, power and love in that simple gesture.

Adriana tried to smile at her. Derek Sommers, her stepfather, was a horrible man and terrible businessman, too. Due to his poor managing, Crescent Holding was on the verge of collapsing. Adrianna was in college but soon, her family would be at short and she'll be forced to drop. Derek had offered her a way out; marrying Thunder Matthews to save her late father's company, otherwise he would gladly sell it. The Lightning Skies' heir has indeed proposed to her, in the coldest way possible and she accepted his offer because she had no choice; Crescent Holding was not for sale.

"We'll find a solution, Adrianna! Just don't sacrifice your life.", Keira's weak voice whispered while her fingers tightly clutched hers. A sad smile painted Adrianna's features, who then turned towards Keira, fully facing her.

"I am not losing my father's company and that is that."

She turned on her heels, walking away from the room in what seemed like confidence and strength, but if anyone could unravel her thoughts, her heart was six feet under dirt.

Once alone, Adrianna finally let her tears flow down her cheeks. She was unhappy but she had no choice except saving her family and their social status. She thought about the only person that she wanted to see and suddenly, everything seemed dull, deserted and lonely. Guilt was eating her from the inside, for wrecking him like that, walking away from him as if nothing ever existed between them but he wouldn't understand. Men never perceived the greatness of a sacrifice because they rarely had to do so. She was madly in love with him, and their breakup was something she would never get over; he was always on her mind, their memories and promises were torturing her and it didn't seem to end quite soon. The ringing of her phone bought her back to reality and she thankfully checked it. Her heart frantically skipped a beat as she read the text she received.

"Velvet Coffee in 15."

Her mind racing with thoughts, she quickly changed her outfit into a casual one and left the Kitsch mansion.

Moments later, she was quietly sat by the glass window, staring at the people passing by. Headphones plunged in; she wandered away from this city, from her marriage, her step-father, away from everything that hurt, that was bad and hideous.

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