XV. - Crimson Regrets.

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Sady Matthews took a seat on the Black Sapphire bar.

"Cassidy!", she slowly called on the bartender who came right away to serve her.

"Yes ma'am?", he asked flashing her a professional smile. The young woman elegantly crossed her legs before arranging her short oxblood dress. Cassidy was still patiently waiting, his hands behind his back.

"So here's how this will work, buddy. Get me a glass of neat Bourbon and don't stop filling it until I pass out", she ordered with a smile.

"But ma'am..", Cassidy began just to stop as Sady's hand rose to silence him.

"If you refuse, I'm going to reach to that bottle behind you.. Through your throat", she cut off tapping the bar with her long polished nails. Cassidy looked at her in fear but didn't move. Anthony Matthews clearly warned him about serving alcoholic beverages to his 17 years-old daughter, who, besides being considerably underage, lost all her manners and elegance once her lips have sipped a drink.

"Mr. Matthews insisted that I-", Cassidy argued, slightly pursing his lips and shaking his head, as to suggest it was a very bad idea to disobey the owner's rules.

"See the thing, my dear, dear Cassidy, I'm not quite enough intoxicated to tolerate talking about Anthony. So, what about that drink?", she asked, raising an eyebrow. The poor bartender sighed in impotence before turning on his heels to make her the beverage. A moment later, Sady finally received her drink. She took a sip of it, letting herself enjoy the sweet oaky flavor of the drink. She was literally drinking her sorrows away, intoxicating herself to numbness just to have a free-Jeffrey Otton moment. Because she was tired of constantly thinking about him, about their lost memories and long-gone romance. How could he throw three years as if they meant nothing? How could he do this to her? She felt tears threatening to escape her eyes, she shook her head in disbelief. When did she become so weak, so vulnerable? Did her love for Jeffrey turn her into a damsel in love lights? This wasn't good, she had to regain her self-confidence and it better be quick. Unlike Heidi, she didn't have a rebound and she wasn't a fan of that kind of things. Forgetting someone by another person wasn't helpful or therapeutic. You'll just spend your time comparing them, deducing how different they were, how miles apart their personalities can be. Though she was one of the vicious Blue Bloods, she wasn't deliberately mean; she still had a heart after all. A heart that was now broken into billions pieces by Jeffrey Spencer Otton.

"Thank you, sir", she whispered before finishing her drink, in bitterness. Cassidy looked down at her as if she was out of her mind. He was afraid to the core that Mr. Matthews will show up at any moment. He'll just kick him out of this prestigious hotel without even blinking.

"You're annoying, relax!", the young woman breathed as she pushed her glass at the bartender motioning him to fill it again. "Anthony is out of the U.S, Cass", she added kindly smiling at Cassidy, who sighed in relief. The heiress then seized her glass, sipping on the browny beverage in a dreamy state. The music was a background for her chaotic thoughts, and her head slightly swayed at the calm notes of the song.

« I'll be your dream I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy, I'll be your hope, I'll be your love,

Be everything that you need, I'll love you more with every breath,

Truly, madly, deeply do, I will be strong I will be faithful 'cause I'm counting on,

A new beginning, a reason for living, a deeper meaning, yeah.. »

Savage Garden's voice trailed as the song continued, causing Sady to bitterly wince at the lyrics. Was the whole universe conspiring against her? Throwing love songs and fairy tales at her path just to remind her of what she lost?

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