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Chapter 6

The weekend went by extremely fast as they finished or at least tried there best to finish getting the house ready for everyday living and just like it used to be.

Bethany and Haley didn't go shopping as Haley denied the variety of pleas that Bethany tried. Haley didn't want nor did she think she needed new clothes besides she really didn't want to go out anywhere other than the backyard or forest as that is what it really is. The change of scenery only made her miss her parents more. This was exhaustingly emotional and along with her malnourished health it made her very tired.

Haley had slept for a plethora of more hours than she was awake. Tyson talked to her very little after Friday night in fact he only talked very slightly when they went to the backyard to explore for the first time.

Tyson was preparing for his new role and job here. He was definitely not trying to ignore his mother and Haley. In fact every time when Haley missed a meal that the rest ate he always went up to check on her. It just so happened that every time she was sleeping.

Monday morning came with alarms that ranged from five to seven in the morning. First up was Steven as it was his usual to wake up so early. Next was Tyson who woke up preparing for introductions as alpha tonight and everything else that came with the job. Bethany was the next up as she liked to make breakfast for everyone. She no longer had to wake up early as well because she no longer had or needed a job. Finally the last to wake up was Haley.

She was not the least bit thrilled this Monday morning. Not only did she have to wake up early but she had to go out into public with people for a longer amount of time than she thought necessary which happened to be a little over three hours and thirty minutes.

Nevertheless she got up finding pants and a long sleeve as it was slightly chilly out. She pulled on socks and shoes, walking down stairs. She walked into the kitchen only to see Steven leaving and Bethany doing dishes.

"Here honey. I know your not hungry but you need something before you go." Bethany said pushing two slices of apple and a piece of bacon over to her.

Haley excepted her offer knowing it was in her best interest as she already was slowly forming a headache.

'Tyson?' Haley wrote asking where he was.

"He's taking care of some business. I will be taking you to school when you're ready." Bethany answered.

Haley pointed to the ground indicating that she was ready to go now.

Bethany grabbed her purse and keys and Haley grabbed her backpack. They walked out the door into the car that was delivered over the weekend. Bethany drove quietly and when she got there she let Haley know that she will pick her up on the corner after her last class.

Haley nodded walking in. She was searching for the office to pick up her schedule as people stared at her oddly. She finally found the door and walked in.

Teachers and adults bustled around as they started their day. Haley walked up to a desk with an older woman behind it. The woman looked up and smiled cheerfully. Haley only nodded in return.

"What can I help you with?" She bubbled over as if it was an exciting conversation.

Haley searched her pocket for her pen once she found her paper. Once she dug it out of her pocket she started to write.

'I'm new here. My name is Haley.' She pushes it towards the women who looked at her in fascination.

She read the note before nodding.

"This is your schedule. You only have three classes. The elective we picked is a teachers assistant for your third class. It's the same teacher as your first class." The older women spoke pointing to the different parts of the schedule.

She also showed Haley where the classes were and how to read the schedule.

Haley signed 'thank you' as it was quite common for most to know. As she walked out the bell had rang and the halls were completely empty. She scavenged through the halls in search for the class. Once she found it she walked in interrupting the class lesson. Everyone's gaze was instantly on her.

"Who are you?" The teacher asked curiously.

Haley had the paper and pen in hand. She walked closer and started writing.

'Haley. I'm new.'

"Well miss Haley. Will you find your seat so I can get back to class?"

She nodded to the man and quickly found an open spot till someone moved a bag there. She kept walking till she was at the back. All the kids seemed to stare at her as if she was some freak. But that was to be expected as she didn't speak and transferred into the school close to the end of the semester.

The same thing happened in her second class because she had trouble finding it. That was not the case for her third and final class though. She got there on time and wrote to the teacher why she was back. She sat to the side of class ignoring everything till the bell rang.

Bethany was there as promised. She got in and they drove home. Haley decided time out in the woods would be best. So that's where she went till the end of the day. Bethany, Steven, and Tyson all left that evening, leaving Haley alone. She didn't care. It just gave her time for a long uninterrupted bath as she stared into the woods while thinking making her somewhat emotional and then she went to bed.

AN: because I screwed up last week and this week is busy but I'm free today here you go!

Hopefully I can update on Wednesday as well.

Have a great week!

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