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Chapter 25

Xavier groaned as the phone rang blearing obnoxiously causing his pounding headache to feel like an explosion in his skull. He had been up for over two days and did not plan on actually sleeping till he found his mate and she was safe in his arms. The phone continued to ring as he looked up from the territory map of Wisconsin that was sitting in his desk in front of him.

With a deep breath in Xavier picked up the phone trying not to scream at the person on the other line about how he's busy and needs to find his mate.

"Hello? Alpha Xavier Daron?" A feminine voice that he did not recognize asked.

"Yes." Was his only reply and Denise felt overwhelmed with joy as she could reunite the mates.

"This is Denise from Alpha Gunner's pack. I have your mate Haley. I want to get her back to you as soon as possible. I knew her mother so I only want to help her, I promise." Xavier didn't know what to say as he was relieved and wanted to yell in joy from the emotions he was feeling.

"I can go to the farthest south west boarder with my mate and possibly sneak her through but we have to do it soon or Alpha Gunner will know she's out of the cells." Denise broke the silence.

Xavier let out the breath he was holding in since he heard that someone has his mate.

"I'll be there tomorrow by noon." He spoke quickly knowing he needed to go and if he left now he would make it by then.

But what if this was a trap. What if she wasn't helping Haley but just luring Xavier in to quite possibly kill him.

That didn't matter now or even if that were to happen. Xavier needed his mate to be okay and keep her safe even if that meant himself dying.

Xavier mind linked his Beta. Reid immediately knew he would have to take charge of the pack for the time being again. After he did that he quickly ran to the garage getting in his car and pulling away.

The only think on his mind was getting his mate as he drove completely past the speed limit not caring. He needed to make the twenty hour drive in less than eighteen hours plus the time change between the states making it more like sixteen hours.


They called Xavier and Haley was ecstatic. She not only missed being away from her mater for over three days when it was originally not even supposed to be one and a half days.

Denise had told Haley right after the phone call that Xavier would be at the boarder of the pack by twelve o'clock noon. She also explained how both her husband Shane and herself would take her to the boarder to deliver her to Xavier.

Denise knew this was risky and that if Alpha Dickwad found out that Haley was gone before they could get her to Xavier all hell may break lose and someone would definitely get hurt but it didn't matter at this point. All that mattered was Haley get back to her mate, Denise and Shane's family stays safe and knows to ALWAYS do the right thing even if the Alpha disagrees.


Haley hardly slept at all that night as she was just ready to be back In Xavier's arms where she felt safe with the tingles that shot through her body. She always wanted to giggle or gasp at those feelings as it tickled and always seemed to take her by surprise.

Haley was exhausted by the time she got up at ten forty three in the morning. Her body required much more sleep than she was actually given the last two days and her body still hurt from getting beat and thrown into a prison cell. She was thankful that Destiny had a pair of jeans that were to big for her, Denise had shoes that were to small for her, and Shane had a pull over hoodie.

After Haley threw on the clothes that they had got out for her she headed down stairs and was greeted by Denise and Destiny cleaning the house while the two boys were playing in the living room.

As Haley walked in the Kitchen Denise turned around to greeted the sickly looking girl with a warm motherly smile.

"Do you want something to eat?" Denise asked Haley who only shook her head no as she wasn't hungry, she was past that point.

Haley found a marker and a note pad on the fridge. She pulled it down and sat down at the table to write.

'Thank you guys for everything you have done for me even if the last time you saw me was when I was nine. It means a lot that you guys would do all this.' Haley wrote feeling emotional about what a old friend of her mothers would go out of her way to help her get back to her mate.

"It's really no problem. I'm actually really glad I got to see you again. It would be really nice to catch up under different circumstances." Denise opened her arms to hug the long lost friend.

Haley gladly excepted the hug that made her feel like family. Denise felt like she could have been Haley's older sister or even Aunt with how Jake and Hadlee had always treated her.

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