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Chapter 28

"Only if I may come with you." Xavier voice growled as it was filled with lust.

Haley didn't know what came over her body but her actions took her into motion without a thought about it. She feverishly nodded her head and stood taking the large hand of Xavier's into her smaller one. She pulled him up and walked them into the bathroom.

Xavier inspected Haley as she pulled the jacket over her head leaving her only in panties. Xavier grew hard by looking at her and his pants became to tight and constricting. Haley felt self-conscious but also beautiful as Xavier stare at her. Her panties stuck to the wetness of her lips as she pulled them down.

With the little confidence that Haley had she turned to Xavier completely nude. She took two small steps towards him and pulled up on the hem of his shirt getting him to help take it off as he was to tall for Haley to do it by herself. Haley then squatted down to come face to face with the large bulge showing through Xavier's pants. Haley looked up to Xavier as he put her hand on the button to make sure it was okay. When he nodded she undid the button and zipper pulling his pants down slightly and then hooking a finger in the waistband of his boxers taking then to the grown together.

Haley stood up and turned to the shower and turned on the water stepping in. Xavier cautiously followed her actions until he wrapped his arms around her small waist. As the water warmed they stepped under together letting it cascade around their bodies. Xavier got the soap gently lathering up Haley's body.

The moments they shared in the shower together were not all that sexual even with the pull of need between the two. It brought them closer together in a comfort with each other's body where there was a knowledge that they both held about every inch of the others body. No limit were pushed or boundaries exceeded.

There was love in every action that they preformed and there was a connection made without words.

Haley still had questions for Xavier and so did Xavier along with just wanting to hear his mates voice, but both knew this was not the time to ask those questions as they both somehow had the unspoken conversation of it being after the shower when they were just laying together in bed.

Haley enjoyed the shower. Xavier did too as he got to reach another level of intimacy with his mate that he hadn't before, but it was different for Haley. It was excepting of how she did not speak for the last year and it was not pressuring her to open up in anyway uncomfortable.

Xavier reached around the small frame of Haley and turned off the water. He stepped out and offered a towel to Haley. As they got dried off they walked into the closet. Xavier pulled on boxers and Haley slipped on her panties. She walked over beside Xavier and pulled a shirt off of the hanger. A smile slid across Xavier's face as he not only enjoyed seeing his mate in his clothes but she felt comfortable enough to do so.

As they walked out of the closet they walked to the bed and got in. Xavier sat with his back resting against the headboard and his legs out straight. Haley lay perpendicular to him with her head on his lap wet curls sprawled over his leg and the bed and her feet just dangling off the side of the bed.

Haley examined from the firm defined chest to the bulky shoulders and arms. Even if you were to double possibly even triple Haley's size she would still be hidden behind the mass that is her mate.

"So you t-turn into a wo-wolf?" Haley broke the silence testing new words that hadn't been used in a while.

"Yes. I'm a werewolf. Everyone around here is. Even yourself, you just can't shift or haven't yet." Xavier answered nodding his head.

There was quite a pause as this was new for Haley but she seemed to be taking it will.

"We are mates because we were picked to be with each other." Xavier added on.

"My mm-mom a-and da-ad are too?" Haley's voice quivered with thought of her parents it wasn't a stutter this time.

"Well your actual father was the one who took you. Your mom ran away from him even though they were mates. He tried to hurt the people she loved so she ran back home where your dad, Jake was. He took care of you like his very own daughter.

All of them were werewolves, even the Devin's are. Tyson runs his pack as the Alpha, just like me."Xavier finally looked down after he spoke.

One lone tear slid down Haley's cheek as she missed her mom and dad. She wished she could have had them meet Xavier.

"No, don't cry amor" Xavier whipped the tear pulling her into his chest.

"I miss them." Haley whispered.

"They were why you stopped talking?" Xavier asked coming to that conclusion while Haley only nodded.

Xavier continued to comfort Haley till she was ready to speak again.

"Why can't I turn into a wolf?"

"We can go find out later but you might have just not shifted yet."

"What's a pack?"

"Wolves like to stay in packs. It's like one big family where they protect each other. They have a leader the Alpha which I am. You are the Alpha female or my Luna because you are my mate. Reid is my Beta which is the second in charge. He takes over when I'm gone."

"Al-pha." Haley quite tested the word that sent a thrill through Xavier. "Alpha."

"Yes, and I should introduce you to all the people in my pack."

"Okay. When?" Haley spoke ready for what she thought to be a big next step.

"I would prefer after I mark you. There are men without mates who would want you but you are mine!" Xavier spoke with a rising volume and Haley felt the need to calm him down.

"I am yours. You can mark me." She pecked his lips and cradled her head in his neck as she spoke.

"I think we should wait a while. Once I mark you we would want to complete the mating process or if we wait you would go into heat."

"What's that?"

"The mating process would be for us to...make love. And heat is when your body gets hot and it's painful and only I would be able to take it away." Xavier looked for better words than just sex so Haley wouldn't become to embarrassed.


"The same thing." This is when Haley blushed and hid her face in Xavier's neck as she was now straddling his waist.

"We will wait until you want to do that love." Xavier spoke stroking her damp hair kissing the exposed part of her neck.

As he continued to kiss he hit where he would mark her. A moan escaped her lips as she wanted more of the pleasurable sensation. The kiss led from her neck to their lips that kissed sloppily with a want burning inside both of them. Xavier's hand roamed Haley's body as the other was stuck in her hair. She opened her mouth wanting more and thinking of this being the only way.

They pulled back for a breath and Xavier day dream from days before flashed through his mind. Haley kissed down Xavier's jaw as he didn't go back to kissing her once they caught their breath. From his neck and to his lips Haley kissed till she pulled back.

"Mark me." Haley spoke with confidence in a demand.

And Xavier followed her orders.

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