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Chapter 20

"Come here." His voice was soft as he waved her over.

Haley stood next to Xavier with her hands folded in front of her. He pulled her down to his lap with a light 'umph' as he no longer envied the air for he was wrapped securely around her as if a caterpillar was cocooned before turned into a butterfly. He now sighed with content as he took a big breath in with his nose on Haley's neck. He let his warm breath fan her as frisson ran down her spine.

Haley had instinctively curled and molded her body to the angles and curves of Xavier as she took in the warmth that radiated from him. In this moment it seemed to Haley like everything was perfect. Like the harsh past that the two mates had faced was whipped clean away and the future could be nothing less than excellent as they were each other's querencia all because the two were pulled to each other by a bond.

The mate bond.

Haley was yet to discover what it is but she felt that she could do anything if she was just belong side Xavier and no matter what they did physically it was fine for the girl who had experience nothing because she felt so comfortable and loved by her mate.

In this position the two stayed for what felt like an eternity but was really about twenty minutes. Within this time Xavier took in the presence of his mate and was choosing how to tell her that he will have to be leaving. He wondered if he should tell her everything or even invite her with him. Eventually he decided to speak up.

"Tomorrow, would you like to go visit Steven and Bethany and possibly spend the night there? Or would you like to come with me on a trip." He spoke slowly wanting Haley to understand the different options before she picked.

Haley put thought into this answer before she leaned forward to grab the pen resting on the desk and a piece of paper.

'I would prefer to stay with the Devin's.' She wrote neatly.

It was not that she didn't want to be with Xavier. It was the unsure change of scenery with different people who don't understand why she doesn't speak and so on.

The rest of the day was spent with the two mates in Xavier's office. That night Xavier made sure that Haley had a bag of clothes to spend the night there as they had took what she owned on their last visit.

That night the two fell into a calm peaceful sleep that brought a longing into Xavier's heart as he knew the next day and possibly the one after that he would hardly see his mate and get to spend virtual no time together.


Xavier woke up early getting himself ready before he woke his mate up.

Haley had woken to a hand caressing her cheek softly as if she was a delicate vase that could break in an instant. When she opened her eyes she was met with the very structured face of Xavier who was wearing a long sleeve navy blue button down tucked into charcoal gray pleated slacks that sported a black leather belt around his waist.

When she heard a deep chuckle her head snapped up to the handsome face of her mate who was still chuckling with a sly smile. That's when Haley knew she had got caught not just staring but admiring the fine man in front of her.

A deep red blush spread like a forest fire over the pale cheeks of Haley embarrassed with how blunt she was with her attraction towards Xavier. She knew what mates were and that Xavier was hers but she was still shy and new to the subject to find it okay to be so blunt with her actions.

"It's okay amor. I enjoy when you stare. You understand the feelings I have towards you too." Xavier voice laced with his wolfs which made it huskier as desire for his mate filled him.

Haley who had tucked her head in the pillow when caught pulled it out now looking back to her mate. With her prominent blush now fading she gave a light nod and Xavier spoke again.

"We have to get you to the Devin's. Let's get up." With another nod Haley got up.

Moving around the room to get ready it didn't take her long which was quite disappointing for Xavier as he enjoyed watching everything little move that Haley had made. When she was ready she turned to him oblivious to his stare.

Xavier stood with Haley's bag in one hand and her hand in his other. He moves swiftly through the halls into the garage where he opened the car door for Haley and shut it once she was in.

Xavier walked around and got in starting the car. He reversed until he was out of the grave and started the drive through the woods and onto "city streets" as it was really homes every hundred acres or so.

Haley kept herself occupied by watching the passing trees and twiddling her thumbs till Xavier large hand captured both of her smaller ones. It definitely caught Haley by surprise but she was okay with it for she very much enjoyed the tingles and warmth that spread by just his hand. Her fingers now played with Xavier's as they twist and curled around each other. It was not till they were more than halfway there that Haley had let their hands rest in the last position which was interlocked with her other hand covering the outside of Xavier's. They stayed like this till they pulled up to the Devin's home.

They both got out of the car and Xavier pulled out Haley's bag meeting her at the front step as she knocked.

Bethany had opened the door and pulled Haley into a hug kissing the top of her head. She then pulled Xavier in taking the bag and setting by the stairs.

"Steven told me everything. Take your time. Well take care of her while your gone." Bethany said rubbing Haley's back as the two girls faced Xavier.

"Thank you for doing this." Xavier nodded ready to leave.

Haley ran to grab a paper from the kitchen and came back. She used her hand as a table as she wrote quickly.

'Where are you going?' She wrote never thinking of asking till now.

"No where important deliciae." (Darling)

'When will you be back?' A feeling of alexithymia ran through Haley when she thought of Xavier leaving.

It was soon replaced when monophobia washed over Haley even though she knew she would be staying with the Devin's while he was gone.

"I'll be home within two days amor dulcis." (Sweet love)

Xavier pulled his mate in for a hug as Haley buried her face into his chest breathing in his familiar scent as if it was the last time she ever would. Xavier planted a kiss on the crown of Haley's head. She looked up and their eyes meet.

"Num occidere me tu diligere. Simul cum eo non poterit redibo neglegis." Xavier spoke as if he was struggling because internally him and his wolf were both having a hard time leaving their mate.(Love you are killing me. I'll be back soon because I can not stand being away from you)

Xavier kissed Haley's forehead and turned to walk out of the door. Once he left Haley felt kind of empty, She missed him immensely, and a need for him washed over her.

Little did Haley know Xavier felt the same exact way.

querencia- a place from with ones strength is drawn

alexithymia- an inability to express ones feelings or emotions

monophobia- a fear of being alone

AN: next chapter up!


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