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Chapter 15

Doctor Stewart walked out looking tired and held a sad, weak smile.

"She's gotta be okay doc." Laura said knowing their ruthless Alpha would become dead inside if anything happened to his mate.

"She's asleep right now. She should wake up anytime. If she sits up make sure it's slowly." He nodded to Laura knowing who she is as beta female.

She nodded thanking him and sat in the room with Haley. Laura was not going to tell Xavier till Haley at least woke up. She knew he needed some type of rest and he could still do nothing at this point.

Xavier had found the note in his room when they got home. He called Reid in to see if he knew anything about this. Which they both didn't. They set it on the back burner while they knew Haley healing was more important.

Two hours later Haley started to move and mumble incoherently. She made a grunting sound as a pain shot up her side as she was now waking up.

With a few more grumbles Laura decided to stand up incase Haley made the rash decision to sit up.

Which she did. Immediately.

"Slowly. Slowly sit up. It's okay." Laura cooed helping Haley and moving the pillows around.

Haley only gave Laura a questioning look as she had never seen this woman and didn't know where she was. 

"Let me get you some paper and I'll explain everything, okay?" Laura smiled again making Haley feel oddly comfortable and somewhat safe with the stranger.

Laura handed the napkin and pen to Haley as it was all that she had found but knowing it would be their only communication from talking with Reid. Haley immediately went to writing, carefully of her sore side.

'Who are you?'

"I'm Laura. Reid's girlfriend. I'm sure you've seen him around with Xavier before."

'What am I doing here? Why does my side hurt?'

"Well there was a doctor fixing you up not to long ago. I think your side was cut so Xavier brought you here."

Haley nodded and they sat in silence for a little.

'Where's Xavier?' Haley wrote.

"I made him go home, shower, and rest. Do you want me to call him for you?" Laura asked politely.

Haley nodded in response and Laura walked out to mind link Xavier so Haley wouldn't question if she called him.

"Alpha Xavier. She's awake now." Xavier immediately replied with an okay.

As Xavier and Reid were walking in the doors they previously walked out of hours ago when Doctor Stewart caught Xavier. Xavier told Reid to go and he'd catch up.

"Yes Doctor?"

"Alpha, anytime I have seen what happened to a patient they die. Two have died instantly and one died six months later. She seems to be good and better than anyone I've ever seen. Her body seemed to reject the venom that was in her side but I can't say none got in. She should be healthy but I cannot promise you that." Stewart spoke timidly to his Alpha.

"Thank you." Xavier's voice was deeper than usual as he took in that his mate could die soon.

He hurried to the room wanting to see her. When he walked in Haley was laying down with her eyes closed as Reid and Laura spoke lightly.

Haley heard the door open and looked to see who it was. Xavier walked over to where she was laying. He picked up her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Haley took in the warmth that spread through her body with his touch. She closed her eyes contently as goosebumps flooded her skin from his electric current that flow through their hands.

Xavier leaned down to kiss her head. As he was pulling back he bent down to her ear and whispered.

"How are you doing deliciae?" His warm breath fanned her ear and neck causing a shiver to run down her spine. (Darling)

She nodded her head softly saying that she was okay. Even though her side was killing her.

The rest of the day Xavier stayed by Haley's side. Laura and Reid left about thirty minutes or so after Xavier had walked in. Haley stayed the night in the room with Xavier sleeping in the chair next her her. Haley had disapproved and made that clear as she wrote that he should go home. The next day Haley was released from the infirmary and went back to the house.


A few days later Haley hadn't really done anything beside sleep, stay in the room, or sit on Xavier's lap as he works. Xavier work on papers for the pack all day as he was catching up with the two days he missed.

Right now Haley was looking through the window longing for fresh air. She got dressed and went to find Xavier. He was in his office as usual when Haley found him with Reid facing him.

"Gunners an old man who can't do anything to my pack." Was the stiff reply of Xavier as she walked around the desk and grabbed a scratch piece of paper.

Xavier lightly pulled her down into his lap mindful of her still achy side. The conversation between Reid and Xavier had ceased and they now payed attention to the quick writing of Haley.

'Can we go outside?'

There was a long pause.

"Only around the house." Xavier nodded softly as he looked into Haley's pleading eyes.

She nodded and they all three stood. They walked down the halls to the front door with Xavier leading the way and Reid in the back. They walked outside a light breeze passed by them as the sun was shining down.

Xavier turned left once outside and walked Haley to a garden. The men stopped as Haley walked around taking in the yellow of leaves with the plush green grass around all the plants. Haley admired the vines crawling up the trellis with colors of forest green, shades of orange, and dull browns.

"I have to go there's rouges on the territory." Xavier said to Reid as it came to the ears of Haley but didn't process.

Reid quickly walked over to Haley drawing her attention to him. She saw Xavier storming off in another direction.

"We have to go. Xavier will be back, we will wait in his office." Reid said lightly taking the wrist of Haley to quickly pull her into safety.


AN: rouges? Why would I do that!!

First day of class was a success. On to day two.

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