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Chapter 26

Haley gladly excepted the hug that made her feel like family. Denise felt like she could have been Haley's older sister or even Aunt with how Jake and Hadlee treated her.

"We need to leave now! Alpha Gunner is walking to the cells. I know it's early but it's our only chance." Shane barged in rushing to get his mate and Haley out of the house.

"Mom can I go with you guys?" Destiny asked quickly for she's really liked Haley even if she didn't talk she felt completely comfortable with her.

"Baby you can't come. We need to get her safe and Alpha Gunner can't find out. Alpha Xavier may think we're a threat. We can't have you getting hurt." Denise rushed out getting ready to make a break for the door.

Haley hugged Destiny as a 'thank you' and sent her a half smile. Destiny sent a sad smile back but already had a plan. She would just follow behind to see Haley off.

After about a minute Destiny stepped outside and followed the scent of her parents that was lingering in the air. As she run after them she got a new smell. She knew it but couldn't place from where. She followed till four people came into sight.

The fourth person wasn't supposed to be there. It was Alpha Gunner.

Destiny mind linked her mother and father immediately.

'Alpha Gunner is behind you!' She yelled to her parents.

'Damn it Destiny I said stay home!' Denise yelled upset with her daughter disobeying.

'Guards are coming and fast. We have to shift. Destiny keep running till your out of the territory with Haley. Her mate should be here.' Shane ordered as he and Denise shifted to fight off the guards and Alpha.

Destiny sidestepped so she was out of the way when her father pounced onto the Alpha. Haley had stopped running unsure of what to do or where to go. Destiny grabbed her hand and started running again.

"I'm gonna shift. You need to hold on tight okay?" Destiny yelled as her pulled them behind a tree.

Shifting into a light brown medium sized wolf Haley's eyes got big. Destiny didn't care that her clothes were ruined she only cared about the safety of her new friend. Haley slowly got on unsure.

Once on Destiny took off making her way to the boarder much quicker than she would have on foot. She ran past territory line not thinking about anything and everything out there.

Destiny knew there was a road if she continued but she knew she would have to speed it up when a menacing growled ripped through the air right behind her. She could feel the hot breath of another wolf on the very end of her tail. Destiny growled knowing if she dodged through trees she could possibly lose this guy.

Running faster in and out of trees, taking hard turns until Destiny saw a tall man running at them. Haley squeezed Destiny's fur between her fingers tightly as Xavier darted towards them.

Xavier was excited until he saw a big wolf behind his mate that was chasing her and the wolf she was on. He let out a thunderous growl that boomed through the forest.

"Run straight, there is a car. Get in till I come." Xavier yelled at Destiny and Haley as he ran and shifted in front of them to fight the wolf.

Haley looked back in shock. When her eyes followed the giant black wolf he raised his paw and sliced through the throat of the other. Haley winced and buried her face into the fur of Destiny.

Destiny slid to a stop right in front of the car that Xavier was talking about. Haley got off Destiny and opened the door. Destiny shifted and quickly got in trying to hide her naked body. Haley got in after and locked the doors.

Haley just sat there shell shocked. These people she knows and loves turn into big giant dogs.

After a while Xavier came running back in a pair of basketball shorts with scratches all over his chest. He knocked on the door softly bringing Haley out of though. Destiny was curled into a ball asleep as she had never ran that fast or hard or with the extra weight in her life.

Haley unlocked the doors and Xavier opened it with urgency to hold his mate in his arms. The tingles shot through both of them and Haley sighed as she missed the feeling. She missed the warmth and safety of Xavier's stump like arms. She missed the natural smell of Xavier and he missed and her smell too.

They pulled away and Haley kissed Xavier's cheek. He rested his forehead on hers and breathed in deeply looking into her eyes. Destiny shifted in her sleep and the two pulled back completely.

Haley pointed to her and then tugged on her own sweater asking Xavier if he had anything to cover Destiny.

"Let me look." He spoke softly opened the back hatch.

He looked for clothes but only came up with a blanket.

"Is this okay?" He asked showing Haley.

She nodded taking it from him and covered the small frame. Haley also buckled her into her seat and moved to sit in the front. Xavier walked around to the drivers side and got in.

After complete silence for a couple of minutes Haley tapped the hand of Xavier who was just resting on the gear shift. He looked over to her and saw her point and Destiny in the backseat.

"She's coming to our pack. Her family will come soon as well. They don't want to lead the pack which would be mine but I don't need land out here. They would be next to lead as they help kill Gunner but they don't want to take over. So his son the next rightful Alpha will lead as you are my Luna. They don't want to be looked at as traders so they will move to our pack... I know it's a lot to take in but you can ask any questions when we get home Okay?" Xavier explained as he put his hand on the knee of Haley cris crossed legs.

She nodded understandably and then intertwined her fingers with Xavier's. She blushed profusely as he looked over and squeezed her hand. Xavier smiled to himself as he was driving home.

"Rest amor meus speciosus." Xavier spoke softly as he could tell Haley was tired. (My beautiful love)

Xavier couldn't wait to get home. Not for food or to take a shower, or even just the sake of being home, but to hold his mate in his arms as he falls asleep with her scent surrounded him like a cocoon. He sighed at the though and continued to speed down the road with his hand in his mates.

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