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Chapter 23

Haley was woken up by her body feeling light in the air until she hit the ground with a flat thud. A grown ripped through her lips as Haley never remembered being in this much pain. A cynical laugh was heard over Haley's grown. 

"You think you can hide from me? I know things about you that you don't even know about yourself. You will not carry my blood line for you are a measly little girl, you are not trained to run a pack. You would never be fit just like your mother and that's why I picked my own Luna. She's the strongest woman of all and produced a well bred heir to my reign. I will have my son slaughter you, you worthless pup!" The croaking scratchy voice yelled at the half conscious Haley who couldn't focus on a word he said.

The heavy door thundered as it was slammed shut cutting off any light to the dingy, vulgar smelling room.

Haley silently thanked anything that was listening as she was great full for the yelling to stop and the light diminishing. Those factors only added to the pounding of her skull.

On the other side of the tick medal door Alpha Gunner stomped down the dark floors stained crimson and the foul smelling halls that lead to the dungeon entrance.

"I don't want to hear anything from Haley! If I hear as much as a peep from that small rat I want her tortured! Like I should have done to her worthless mother, that pathetic mate of mine!" Gunner spoke angrily to the head guard that took care of anything and everything in the cells.

The guard named Shane bowed his head and quickly rushed out a 'yes Alpha' before Alpha Gunner strolled off to find his son.

The day went by and Haley had took several naps through the day because she couldn't even move due to the pain. All she wanted was Xavier. She had hoped, wished, and prayed to everything she could think of that she would soon be reunited with her mate.

Haley had never noticed till now that she quite enjoyed his scent but now she missed it as it was long gone and not there to comfort her like Xavier's bed or his neck. Haley longed to nuzzle her nose into his neck that greeted her with warmth and tingles while holding her favorite scent. It even passed up her Orange Blossom shampoo or  the smell of Bethany's potatoes and bacon.

A sigh of pain flew from her lips.

A sigh of relief came from the lips of the head guard Shane as he walked into his home greeted by the smell of his favorite food, spaghetti and meatballs. His wife Denise made the best food in his opinion. She always claimed that it was easy and her brothers mate Lindsay made the same exact ones when they ate but Shane still though his wife's were better.

"How was your day honey?" Denise asked her mate as he wrapped his arms around her waist while she finished cooking the noodles.

"Alpha Douche-hole threw a girl named Haley in the cells today. She was so skinny and small she looks like she could be maybe thirteen. He said to tortured her if she made so much as a noise. All she did was lightly groan when she woke up. I think she's related to him somehow though. He said her mother was his mate and he should have tortured her too. I don't even understand." Shane explained utterly confused about the whole situation that went down with his hated Alpha this afternoon.

"Hm I feel like I know that name. Maybe I'll think of it. Well I'm sorry. I hope she doesn't end up hurt. Alpha Gunner went crazy after Hadlee left. Remember the first trip togeth- OH MY GOD IT'S HADLEE'S DAUGHTER!!! HALEY!" Denise finally realizes that she knew the girl in the dungeon cells and knew that she immediately needed to take action to get her role model's daughter to safety.

Denise knew what Alpha Gunner was planning and she knew that he would follow threw if not stopped. His own son didn't even want to follow his fathers footsteps but he was forced to.

"We need to get her out of there. We will keep her here if need be but she can't be killed. She was the girl at the birthday party on the first trip." She whispered to Shane

He instantly pull back with wide eyes knowing exactly who she was and what she meant to his mate. That meant she basically means the same for Shane. Besides this was his chance to prove the Alpha wrong.

"We take her tonight. There's a teen guard on the shift. We can go through the back. She will stay in Destiny's room. It's the highest one and with all the perfumes she has it will mask any scent. We need to let the kids know about this though." Shane replied already having a plan.

"Kids it's time for dinner!" Denise yelled as their oldest daughter at nine came bounding down the stairs with their twin boy who were seven, Leo and Levi tumbling down behind her.

The two mates informed the kids on what was going on, how it was to work out, and that NOBODY under any circumstance was to know about what was happening.

The kids rushed to nod and set everything up to help their parents.

Leo and Levi shared a room that night while Destiny waited for her parents to come home with the girl. She was waiting to hear the front door close and lock so she could turn on the bath. There was a delightful concoction that she made with all her favorite most scented flowers. With Lilac, Daphne, Jasmine, Gardenia, and Honeysuckles the bath would bubble and blend perfectly.

She had got clothes from get mothers and fathers closet as well as her own to make sure that Haley would have what fit her most and she was most comfortable in without the worry about asking for anything.

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