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Chapter 29


Haley was dressed in a beautiful white gown that flowed elegantly down her straight frame. Denise was down on the floor helping Haley into the jeweled foot thong. Laura was in front of Haley applying a tad bit of makeup. Destiny and Bethany were working together to pulled her messy curly hair back into the perfect hairstyle. Natalie was fixing everything with Haley's dress.

The off the shoulder dress showed off the mark that had magnificently healed from Xavier. That was the main point of this dress, to show off his mark. They pulled her hair back into a low neat but messy bun to show it off even more as there would be no hair in the way to cover the pink skin. Haley loved the mark, from the way it looked on her neck above her collarbone, to the heat that sparked in her when Xavier kissed it.

Haley sighed in content and opened her eyes to see a beautiful dressed up version of herself. She had on eyeliner to make her eye pop with a little pink lipstick so her lips weren't as pale as always.

The dress that hung off her shoulders was an ivory color. It took a dip at the middle of Haley's chest to show off her slightly swollen breasts. Down the back button lined the middle from her shoulder blades down to the floor as her dress dragged behind her. The women helped Haley stand from the chair.

At that exact time Xavier knocked on the door waiting for his mate. He waited no more than a few seconds as Laura opened the door.

"She's ready!" A giant smile slid on her face waiting for the reaction that Haley would get from Xavier.

Laura opened the door more and Haley stepped into the doorframe shyly. As she stepped forward and came into view of Xavier his eyes darkened to almost a black as lust filled his body.

"MINE!" The thundering growl shook the house as Xavier took his claimed mate into his arms and kissed his mark on her.

Haley looked over she's shoulder and smiled.

"Thank you guys." She thanked the women and they smiles as a your welcome and walked out of the room.

"I want that dress kept on and nothing messed up mister!" Bethany spoke to Xavier walking out of the room behind the rest of the ladies.

"We're all yours." Haley whispered softly kissing Xavier ear.

Xavier kissed his mark and then pulled back. His lips softly brushed Haley's and she connected them. Smiling into the kiss Haley started to chuckle. Xavier pulled back with a wide smile.

He stepped back and got down on one knee in front of her.

Leaning forward he gave Haley's slightly protruding belly a kiss.

"I can't wait to meet you." Xavier spoke in the softest voice Haley had ever heard talking to their growing fetus.

"We should get going my Luna." Xavier stood up taking Haley's hand.

She blushed lightly and nodded not sure if she was really ready to be a Luna.

They walked down the stairs hand in hand. Once outside Xavier lead them up to a stage. They stood off to the side till Beta Reid introduced Xavier.

Haley looked out over the ocean of people standing in front of her. They looked at Xavier and her with adoring eyes. Some were sniffing the air.

"Hello ladies and gentleman. We are gathered together today to officially meet my mate and our Luna." Xavier deep voiced boomed but his eyes smiled with love for the women next to him.

The crowd roared and cheered in acceptance of their Luna and with joy that they finally have one.

Xavier made Haley repeat a small oath to the pack as their Luna. Once she finished she stepped back. She felt like she except something into her body that slightly weighted it down but made her feel ecstatic and pleased.

"Hello Luna."

"Your so lovely."

"My Luna."

Many people spoke and she looked out to the crowed to see them all bowing and no one saying a word.

"It's your mind link with each of the pack members. Like the one we have." Xavier reminded Haley. "It means they expect you as their Luna."

As Haley was reminded she put up the block to stop people from communicating with her at this moment. She would later take it down but she wanted to take everything in and adjust a little at a time.

"You have marked her! Does she yet bare your pups Alpha!?" The excited question was screamed from the crowed.

Haley blushed and cradled her face into Xavier's bicep.

"Your Luna bares my mark and our first pup." Xavier informed the crowed who went into an uproar.

After the ceremony and party Haley sat in Xavier's lap as his hand rested on her stomach. They sat around with the Devin's, Xavier's Beta and Denise's family just casually talking.

Tyson's mate Natalie was pregnant with their first child and couldn't wait to have more. Laura had a son with Reid who would be the next Beta. Haley had just found out she was pregnant two days ago when she and Xavier went to the doctors to see if Haley would ever shift.

Haley was for sure a werewolf as she immediately connected to a mind link when Xavier marked her but they wanted to know more. At the doctors they ran a few test and said Haley's wolf is most likely dormant or dead as she would have been a late shifter and then experienced such trauma with her parents dying. When they ran the test they found Haley to be pregnant as well.

It didn't shock the mates as much as it surprised them as they had only had sex two times. Haley was unsure if she was ready as she had never planned to have kids much less at the young age of nineteen but Xavier was more than ready. He had wanted to be a father for the majority of his life and even more after his father had died saving him from a rouge attack at a young age.

Haley felt ready after they talked about it when they got home.

"I love you my Luna." Xavier spoke lowly and kissed down Haley's neck.

"I love you too my Alpha." Haley replied lovingly kissing Xavier's lips and they looked into each other's eyes lovingly.

And they lived happily together with their son Alexander.

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