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Chapter 27

Haley woke up with a yawn and a stretch. She was still in the car with Xavier's hand on her lap but this time she knew exactly where she was. They were driving down the forest surrounded road before they would get into the long driveway of Home. Well Xavier's home, but that didn't matter because they lived there together and wherever Xavier was Haley felt safe enough to call him home.

They pulled in the driveway and Haley turned to wake up Destiny. Lightly shaking her arm her eyes groggily opened as she rubbed them.

Haley pointed to the house and got out of the car waiting for Destiny to get out. When she did she first fixed her blanket and then took Haley's outstretched hand. Xavier smiled as he held the door open for the two still sleepy women.

Haley lead Destiny into a room just down the hall from Xavier and her room. Haley pointed to the bathroom and then tugged on her jacket. She walked out pulling the door closed as Destiny walked into the bathroom.

Haley got some clothes from her closet and walked back into Destiny's room setting them down on the bed while the shower ran in the bathroom.

When she walked back into her room she wanted to take a shower but got distracted when she saw Xavier laying on the bed. Haley took off her shoes and pants, getting comfortable and crawled into her mates arms. He took one long whiff of her hair and pulled back a little.

"You don't smell the same." He states not enjoying her full natural smell.

She shrugged her shoulders lightly looking up with a slim smile spreading into her face. Xavier chuckled and Haley dug her head into his bare chest. She kissed lightly on his upper chest. That lead to delicate kisses sprinkled across his chest, shoulders, neck, and collarbones.

As Haley did that Xavier thought of how she took care of the little girl that was two rooms down. Yes Haley had road on her trying to escape a wolf but they had got in the car and Haley wanted something to cover her. When she woke her up it was soft and motherly, just like the way she held out her hand to lead the girl into her room and brought her clothes without even a conversation. Xavier liked watching his mate take care of people, she would make a great Luna. The pack would just have to adapt to her not talking which would be new. As Xavier though more about it she would make a great mother, of his pups.

Xavier pulled Haley's face away from his chest and pulled her to his face with a light grip. Now that they were face to face Xavier examined everything centimeters of Haley's face as if she was the most beautiful work of art he had ever seen and he wanted to memorize everything about it.

Haley felt slightly uncomfortable under Xavier tough gaze but looked into the beautiful brown eyes of her mate. She loved the different flecks of light brown around the midnight black pupil. A delicate sigh came from Haley's pale lips. It was one of content and relief.

That surprised Xavier as he had never heard an audible sigh from her lips.

Before Xavier knew it he was leaning in to kiss his mate. He started to get excited as Haley leaned in as well with her eyes fluttering closed. Haley's soft lips delicately rested on Xavier's and instantaneously warmth, passion, and need spread through both their bodies.

The mates simultaneously pulled back from the kiss. Xavier opened his eyes waiting for any type of response from his mate. When Haley's eyes fluttered open the biggest smile spread across her face and she had never felt like this in her life.

It shocked not only Xavier but Haley also as sutterted words flowed around the room in a sweet light voice.

"I lov-ve y-ou." Haley spoke just higher then a whisper.

Xavier was stunned frozen with eyes as wide as saucers. His mate had the most angelic voice he had heard in all his life. It was so soft and smooth even with the stutter.

Haley blushed as red as a rose as her body heat up. She had confessed deep feelings for her first words to her mate and she got nothing in reply.

"Sss-sorrry." She whispered turning away.

A tear leaked from her eye and she felt as if a giant whole was caved into her chest actually bringing her physical pain.

Xavier felt her saddened emotions and it brought him out of his shocked state.

"No amica mea, te amo nimis. You have the sweetest voice of an angel." Xavier rushed quickly. (My darling, I love you too.)

Xavier pulled Haley into his lap. Her feverish body pushed against his as her back was smashed onto his chest. Xavier tucked his chin into her pink neck leaving soft chase kisses over her traps and a even softer one on the spot when he was patiently waiting to mark her. The softest moan floated through the air and stoped at the ears of Xavier.

"M-may I take a-a show-wer?" Haley asked looking straight forward.

Her sad emotions and pain was gone but it was replaced by a tingling ache in her core that made her want to squirm and tightly cross one leg over the other when Xavier spoke and touched her. She had no clue it was arousal in her core but the sweet hot smell gave Xavier that clue.

"Only if I may come with you." Xavier voice growled as it was filled with lust.

Haley didn't know what came over her body but her actions took her into motion without a thought about it. She feverishly nodded her head and stood taking the large hand of Xavier's into her smaller one. She pulled him up and walked them into the bathroom.

AN: two more chapters!!!!

Hope you enjoy!

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