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Chapter 7

This same routine happened every day with the exception of weekends. The only difference was they were all there every night besides Wednesday's. On Wednesday they all go to pack meetings with the people higher up in the pack. All but Haley who still had no clue werewolf's were a real thing that wasn't made up.

School was very boring for Haley. The academic classes that she did take were multiple chapters behind on the lessons or the class read the book in the opposite order that she had original done in Washington making her have already known, read, and wrote about the books she was supposed to be reading in class.

When she had work she would usual do it during her third class as the teacher had no work for her to do anyways.

Many of the kids would still give her weird looks or whisper about her when she would walk by in the halls. No one knew she could hear everything they were saying.

Some oddly talked about the way she smelt. Few talked about where she's from or where she lives now. Some came up with gossip about why she didn't talk. She didn't care what they said. None of it was right and no one asked her so it didn't really matter. She did kind of wish that they would keep it to themselves or wait till she's actually out of hearing distance. She was glad that most kids did go on their way and didn't really care that she was here.

Haley used to be invisible and she realized she liked it much better just from the month she had been here and had few kids talk about her.

She took a deep breath letting it out slowly as she waiting for the bell to ring. She followed behind the rush of students heading out of class when it did ring. She walked past the corner remembering that Bethany was not going to pick her up because she was busy as well as Tyson and Steven.

Tyson did throw a small fit when he found out she was going to be walking home by herself. It's not that he thought she couldn't but he didn't want her to and he wanted her safe like the older over protective brother he is. With the title of Alpha he did become more possessive over his family as well though.

Tyson was sitting in a meeting with a few other Alphas talking about how they wanted to throw a big fancy party for the new Alpha. He was secretly waiting for his phone to buzz with a message from Haley saying she got home okay. But he was to eager as at this time Haley had only made it halfway on the little bit under a half mile walk home.

Tyson was so caught up waiting for the text that he missed most of the people they would be inviting. It really didn't matter to him anyways. Soon his phone buzzed and a smile slid across his face.

"Alpha Tyson?" He was pulled from his thoughts as he looked up. "Is he okay to invite?" The man asked.

"Oh yes. Sorry." He apologized for not paying attention but then he realized he didn't know who he approved on coming. It didn't matter as long as he knew Haley was safe right now.

Haley had taken a nap and was now walking through the woods. This was farther than she had gone before and it was darker but it also seemed brighter as the vivid colors stuck out against dark and nude tones. She breathed in the fresh scent enjoy and the susurrus around her.

She decided to head back just as the three came home from their busy life's and they talked about it in the kitchen.

Well all except Haley talked. She just listened taking everything in.

Tyson lastly announced that he was having a party for becoming alpha.

"A few of the people I work with are throwing a big party on Friday." He spoke making sure his parents knew it was the other Alphas and making sure Haley still didn't know about werewolf's.

This caused a roar of excitement from Bethany who loved parties and dressing up fancy. She jumped and clapped and cheered as her husband stare at her in awe. He loved this excited side of his wife and thought it was beautiful they way her smile expanded and radiated off her onto him.

After she settled a little she started dinner. They were all talking about the party as they ate.

"Your coming right?" Tyson asked Haley with pleading eyes.

She just kinda shrugs and lightly shook her head no. A sad frown came over Tyson's face as she shook her head.

"Please? I really want you there. It's not like you have to meet anyone. Just go for me." He pleaded with his sad face.

With a heavy breath she nodded as Tyson's pearly white smile spread across his face. Haley always hated to disappoint Tyson so she would go to his party to make him happy.

"Oh good! I know you don't like shopping so I'll go get you a beautiful dress and help you get ready. How about that?" Bethany cheered again.

Haley was the girl Beth never had so it always made her happy. Haley just nodded wanting to please the family in front of her.

After dinner Haley helped Bethany clean up as the two men went to talk in the office. As they were cleaning and putting stuff away Bethany continued talking about the dress and what style she thought it should be and how it looked or was designed. She went on to talk about the different styles they could do with her hair and the jewelry with different dresses along with makeup.

That's when Haley stopped. She was never one for much make up. She never owned it, had the need to use it, or every really wanted to use it. She enjoyed looking at all the different colors that people use and what they can do with it but she never found a personal interest for makeup on her. So she immediately shook her head no hopping she wouldn't have to wear a lot if any.

"Oh it's okay dear we won't do a lot just a little mascara and some lipstick. It will be like nothings even on." Bethany reassured as Haley threw a skeptical nod.

Susurrus- low soft sound, a quite wind or a rustling

AN: chapter up!!!

I'm so tired but it doesn't even mater I can fail all my finals and it doesn't matter 😂

One more day of school!!!

Anyways!!! Please vote and comment my loves!

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