Chapter 2: Paranoid Bunny

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We were preparing the area for the party until I saw Bunny standing very still, facing the to main doors. 'Great... He's paranoid again...' I thought as placed down some chairs.

"What's up with you now Ka-" he interrupted me before I could finish, how rude of him.

"SHHH! Whisper,mate. Someone or SOMETHING might be out side those two doors." He whisper shouted as he started to grab his boomerangs.

"Are you still paranoid after that show?" I asked not caring about the whispering part. When it was Halloween, Jamie showed us this show called 'THE WALKING DEAD'. We saw the episode where there was a little girl killing small innocent bunnies. After that, every noise he hears, he starts to think it's that little girl or those 'walkers'.

"What did I tell you to do?!? WHISPER! Gosh. Yes, I am paranoid! What would you think? I'm happy to see someone kill my kind?!?!? NO I THINK NOT!" He continued to whisper scream.

Even just whisper shouting is giving me a headache.

"Are you going to open the doors or should I?" I said teasing him for being the wimp.

"You should. Since I know I won't care if YOU die." He hopped off to hide under a table.

Ha! What a baby. I remember when the kids stopped believing in him that he turned adorable! Ha that memory never leaves my head.

I walked over to the main doors and took a deep breathe. 'Well here goes...nothing' I thought. I opened the doors and started to laugh my head off.

"Oh god bunny! It's... It's..." I started to act scared. "It's just Sandy!" I said with no emotion.

"Oh ha ha. You never know who it could of been. Gosh." Bunny came out from under the table and started to continue working.

Sandy came in with a box full of DJ stuff. He couldn't open the door so it made sense why there was a strange sound!


I kept jumping up to try to get the door handles. I didn't want to use my sand powers to open the door since I thought of it being 'lazy'.

I heard whispers from inside and then from the outside of the main doors, I saw a male shadow appear on the doors.

I stood back a little with a box of supplies I needed in my arms. A thought came in mind, 'Pitch...'. I took a deep breathe and the doors swung open.

I heard laughter. I had closed my eyes since I didn't want to see who it was. Apparently I was worried for nothing since I heard a familiar voice.

"oh god bunny! It's... It's..." I heard Jack trying to act scared.

"It's... Just Sandy!" He started to laugh again.

"Oh ha ha. You never know who it could of been. Gosh." Bunny came out from under the table and started to continue decorating.

Since I am mute, I can't say anything. I walked into the room with a confused look and walked over to the music booth.

I sat down and opened a juice box. Jack and Bunny started to argue again. I enjoyed these kinds of arguments because it was entertaining. Sometimes they would have colorful words but they rarely do.

"I hope North and Tooth come back soon!" I heard Jack say, annoyed after what happened.

"Someone say our names?" It was like they practice this because they said it together and arrived on time.

"YAY YOU GUYS ARE BACK! I couldn't stand staying here with the Kangaroo" Jack flew over to them.

"He is annoying! Gosh I almost wanted to hit myself with my own boomerangs or even beg Sandy to sprinkle dream sand on me!" Bunnymund told them. Even if he begged, I wouldn't. Their fights are great to watch!

"Will you two stop fighting?! You always argue when you are left alone!" Tooth pulled both their ears.

"OW! Momma Tooth is out of the cage huh?!?" Jack said holding his ear. "That was so un-called for Toothiana!" Bunny rubbed his ear.

"Just help us put the snacks away." North said putting lots of grocery bags on the tables.

"Only if you help us to finish decorating." Jack said grabbing 4 bags and taking them to the kitchen.

"Um... Sure! Since it looks like you two still need a lot to finish." North said putting up some more streamers.

"Great news! Some teenagers are coming to the party! YAY MORE BELIEVERS!" Tooth whirled with joy. I started setting up the DJ booth and soon after they all started to help decorate and clean up before the party. We still had a few more hours to get ready and for the party to start.


A/N: Hello everyone! I finally got the chance to update! Sorry it's been some time I published the first chapter. I have no wifi and my phone is pretty slow. It might take a week or so for the next update after this. I am on Summer vacation so I am ready to write more! Plz vote and comment what you think! Sorry for the short chapter once again! I still need to plan out the rest of the story! PLEASE BE PATIENT WHO EVER IS READING MY STORY!

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