Chapter 16: Kidnapped by the darkness

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Wendy's P.O.V:

I was in my room. I woke up because I had a craving for an apple. And no it wasn't a poisoned apple!

I got out of my room silently and grabbed a juicy,red apple. I sat down on a stool near the kitchen's bar , and no, there were no alcoholic beverages.

I was on my phone, texting one of my older friends. He has puffy hair,like an Afro, when I last saw him. He was worried about me because he doesn't even know that I am a new guardian.

I had to lie to him that I had moved away. I couldn't tell him the truth, or else, I would be in trouble? I have no idea. I guess I'll tell him later on when I build up courage.

After I finished eating the apple, I threw it into the compost bin in the kitchen and ran quickly yet silently into my room.

"Guess I can't sleep anymore. I guess I would draw." I walked over to a desk where I left a drawing pad and a pencil on there.

I grabbed them and walked over to my bed and sat down drawing. I had no thought of what I was drawing. It just came to be random I suppose?

I looked at my phone and it was... 6:00am. I glanced out the window in the back of my room and saw it was still dark out. I shrugged and scratched the back of my neck.

When I looked back at my drawing, I had realized I sketched something horrible. Something that caused fear in me.

My nightmare. The one where I saw Ali and Skyler lying dead on the floor and the douche, Jonathan, in a dark room.

I threw the sketch pad across the room in fear. I was terrified by the thought that I sketched that.

I pushed the covers off of me and stepped back slowly. Until I hit a rough substance behind me.

It wasn't a wall. The wall was smooth. And it wasn't a pice of furniture because there was no furniture at all in that spot.

I looked behind me and saw a dark,male appearance. I was about to scream in terror until the figure disappeared and I felt a cloth in front of me, under my nostrils. The smell of a strong alcohol hit me, really hard.

A tear escaped my eye and rolled down my cheek as I tried to break free from a strong arm against me. The last thing I saw, was a pale hand and a spider made of this strange black sand and then it disappeared.

After that, I heard a chuckle and then, everything turned black.

Pitch Black.

Ali P.O.V:

After I left Skyler's room, I walked by Wendy's room and it was complete silence.

'She must be still in bed...' I thought to myself and opened the door to my room.

I headed towards my bed and I purposely dropped my self on it and pulled out my phone, continuing to play that stupid alpaca game.

I glanced over at the time and it was 6:15am. Time goes fast.

I shrugged and then I felt my eyelids get heavy. "I better take a nap..." I sighed and turned off my phone, rest it aside on the built-in shelf in the wall, and pulled the covers over me.

I then started to dream of something I love.

Food and Archery. Not to mention sleep but that, I can't dream of that, can I?

Pitch P.O.V:

I done it! I actually done it! I had achieved to kidnap the most vulnerable girl of the three!!!

After I had drugged her with the wet cloth, I had picked her up,over my shoulder, and disappeared into darkness.

We arrived at my lair and I threw her onto the floor.

"Now what should I do... Oh yeah! I need to tie you up and lock you in a cell! That is what witches like you need right?" I chuckled and picked her up once again and threw her into a cell.

I must be honest, this girl is charmingly beautiful. But, I don't care about love. All I want is for my goal to be fulfilled.

I picked up a strong rope I had and walked toward the purple haired girl's cell until, I glanced over to shackles that were on the wall.

"Now that is rightful for a prisoner!" I picked up the girl and cuffed her arms onto the shackles on the wall.

"Perfect. All I need to do is wait." I chuckled as I went over to my throne and sat down. "I will win this one. No one will stop me"


A/N: Well hellur! Here is Chapter 16!

How do you think I did?

Anyways, the same questions as before. But if you forgotten them, then here you go ( I decided to just ask on of the questions. The other two... Eh. ) :

•What did you think about the chapter?

Thank you for reading my fabulous loyal readers! :3

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