Chapter 14: Centers and a plan

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Jack P.O.V:

"Let's start finding your centers" I said shocked from what I learned about a few seconds ago.

'Future lover?' I kept thinking. I was confused. I need to know more but Skyler isn't telling things.

"So how does this start?" Wendy asked.

"Hmm... What is a deed you guys did that made you get chosen to become a guardian?" I put my staff on my shoulders.

"I have no idea." They both said I union.

"There had to be something. What was the most heroic thing you done?"

"Hmm... Used my magic to get back an elderly lady her purse back from an abusive criminal." Wendy said abruptly.

"Helping a kid get away from a rapist." Skyler admitted.

"Hmm. Seems like you two had something to do with danger. But what are you mostly good at doing?" I sat down. "Not as in dance , art , or any talent like that."

"Well, I am great at being a risk taker. I usually shy but I like to get some adventure." Wendy smiled.

"I'm usually great at having fun and forgetting about any worries. " Skyler started to make some flames in one finger and small snowflakes on the other.

I saw Wendy pull her wand out and made water appear, making the flames disappear and the snowflakes melt.

"Hey!" Skyler exclaimed.

"Stop that!" Wendy poked her.

"Hmm. Fun and care free. And Shy yet risk taker." I glance at them as see them using their powers.

"Skyler? How many powers do you have?" I asked.

" I don't know. Infinity I guess? I always find out a new power everyday or so." She cracked her wrist and a white light came out.

"Woah..." She looked at Wendy. "I have no idea what that is..." She waved her hand and it disappeared.

"Okay. So it seems we have the infinity princess and the..." I was cut off.

"Witch" Wendy smiled. "The infinity vampire and the magical witch."

"What can you guys be guardian of?" I asked them.

"I could be fun, but you have that role..." I see Skyler was thinking hard.

"I like reading stories and magic... But what can I guard with that?" Wendy asked.

"You both have many things than just one. You can be the guardian on infinity." I suggested.

"That sounds more like Skyler. I like the guardian of powers. I can help guard special kids who have unknown or dangerous magics!" Wendy squealed.

"Hmm... To me you seem like someone who would guard people's feelings. You always stay quiet, but then you start talking about feelings." I laid down.

"And feelings is magic that one person takes personal... And you are like that" Skyler added, supporting my claim.

"That sounds great too!" She squealed again.

"Can I act like you know who now???" Skyler was begging Wendy.

"I don't know... My nightmare... It had you like him..." She mumbled.


"NO! Not at all! But YOU were the one who got hurt." Wendy sighed." All you did was laugh. So I guess you can..."

"Are you sure?" Skyler asked and Wendy nodded. "Ha! This can get so entertaining! But anyways, what does North mean by, er, 'Training'? What are we going to do?"

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