Chapter 20: Dirty Sacrifice

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Skyler P.O.V:

We just left Slendy a couple of minutes ago and started walking up towards the mountain.

We heard some screams and a light coming from the mountain which made us run toward the mountain faster.

"" Ali huffed as she tried to catch her breathe in between each run.

"I should've been paying attention in PE!" I felt my side ache from the running.

When we stopped running, I felt that cold air again, which made me feel relieved because, that run made me and Ali burn up.

"Thank god we made it!" Ali said as we were about to enter the dark entrance of the Mountain.

"I can't believe I am actually going to do this!" I whispered at Ali with a dash of regret in my voice.

"I can't wait for you to act! I'm going to laugh out loud if you actually do it!" She responded in a whisper as well.

"Well, I have to if it's to save Wendy" I sighed as we we walked through the halls that were already made in the mountain.

"True... And with your mind, I'm pretty sure you're going to do just right." Ali smiled while I just annoyingly glared at her.

Soon, Ali left to get to position as planned. I then started to walk into the main doors which were obvious that it was Pitch's Lair.

"Pitch!" I shouted, waiting for a response. I made swift movement with my hand and my clothes changed.

Instead of jeans,sneakers,t-shirt,and beanie, it all changed to a black dress that was cut to expose one leg. The back was long and the front of the skirt was diagonal reaching my left ankle. I also had grey,short heels on.

"My,my, it seems that I have a guest." I heard a low British voice swirl around the room.

"Show yourself! And bring my friend out with you!" I shouted as I crossed my arms.

"Feisty one are you?" Pitch appeared of thin air in front of me.

"Oh shut up!" I said as noticed he had brought Wendy out with a dog-like collar around her neck and a chain attached to it.

"What the hell did you do to her?!?" I said as I noticed her clothes were ripped, her hair was a mess, she had cuts and bruises all over her arms and legs.

"I was just entertaining myself with my new toy" he said with a menacing chuckle while I just gave a dirty look to him."And no, it wasn't what ever your dirty mind was thinking!"

I sighed of relief and then looked up at his tall figure as he then took a step forward.

"What brings you here?" He said as he was looking at me from head to toe.

I felt a shiver of disgust go up my back as he looked at me.

"I came to make a d-deal" I gulped. I really didn't want to act this next part but I have to in order to help Wendy.

"What is this deal?" He sat down on his throne as Wendy was sitting on the armrest of the big chair.

I took a step closer and tried to act seductively. I never acted like that unless I cosplayed as Anime characters!!! "I wanted to see that, if you let my friend go... You can have me instead..."

"Hmm..." He hummed as he was thinking."What if, I can keep you and your friend aswell?"

"No" I sternly said. He sat up and made sure Wendy was chained to the throne.

"Why not? It would be fun! And, why are you here? Yes, I know for your friend, but, aren't you a guardian? Why not protect the children than her?" He pointed to Wendy.

"I think being a guardian is boring! No fun at all" I replied,lying just to convince him.

"Come here" he said,seriously as he pointed at me and then looked at Wendy so she can walk over soon after she was unchained.

I walked over to him as he wrapped an arm around my waist and grabbed Wendy's waist as well. "Very pretty..." He hummed.

He then leaned in as me and Wendy tried to back off. Then we heard someone.

"NOOO!!!" We heard echo in the room. We all looked over and saw Jack,freakin, Frost.

'Great!' I thought. ' he's ruining the plan!!!'

"Jack Frost. Pleasure to see you here. Now leave! I am in the middle of gaining a new slave!" Pitch threw Wendy and I to the ground and stepped towards Jack.

"Never!" Jack shouted, raising his staff in defense.

Jack P.O.V:

"Never!" I shouted and raised my staff at Pitch.

"Well, that was a bad move." Pitch chuckled and snapped his fingers.

Soon, we were surrounded by black dust horses. They seemed bigger and stronger. There were some lions aswe- wait, lions!!?!??

"Lions?!??!" My eyes went open with full shock. Did he get THAT powerful to make lions?!?!

"Oh, so you noticed my new kitties" Pitch chuckled with his British accent. " It took time for me to perfect the style of these creatures, you don't think they are pretty do you?" He started to pet one of the lions.

"They look pretty cool..." I heard Skyler mumble and Wendy shrugged in agreement.

"Now's not really the time for that!" I looked over to the two girls.

"Pitch asked a question and I answered! They do look pretty cool! And that's it." They both rolled their eyes and avoid glances from Pitch.

"These two ladies surely do know how to appreciate ones hard work." Pitch walked over to the two girls and put a hand on each of their shoulders. "What a shame I have to use you as a hostage."

"Pitch, just give them back and everything will be fine. Just give Wendy and Skyler back." I held my staff up as a shield as some of the sand creatures were trying to get closer.

"HEY! We aren't toys you know!!!!" Wendy screamed. "We aren't puppets!!" Skyler added. Then they both looked at eachother and laughed.

"SHUT UP!" Pitch shouted and the room was silent, not a cricket,to be heard." And as for you, I have a job. You will be willing to sacrifice your well being to help these two tarts," Pitch glanced at Skyler who had a very mad face and Wendy who looked confused yet angry," to leave,am I right?"

I nodded slowly, unsure of what dirty tricks this Brit may have.

"Well then, I will have a big show then. MAY THE ENTERTAINMENT COMMENCE !" Pitch soon disappeared along with Sky and Wendy, to a glass room up in a wall.

Pitch had forced them to look over to me and then he left, appearing back into this room.

"Attack!" He commanded to the sand beasts around me.


A/N: Hello readers.

1) I'm sorry for the VERY short chapter. (I have a reason just wait)

2) I am running out of some ideas to complete the few chapters before the grande finally(which I have a way to end)

Reasons Chapter so Short:

1) I was running out on how to continue the chapter to make it longer but failed.

2) I was a bit lazy because my arm is hurting.

3) It is 1:00am here and I have decided to continue this chapter.

4) I almost forgot I wrote this chapter and yet not published it.

5) I will be going to LA by car later on today >-< which may not let me upload later.

AND YEAH... Sorry for the lame excuse of a chapter!

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