Chapter 22: The End?

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*Note before you read: This, will be Skyler's P.O.V for majority of this chapter. A small Jack P.O.V and Then there will be a third person view!*

Skyler P.O.V:

"Does this mean we won ? " Ali asked.

"I have no idea..." Wendy was staring at the place Pitch was earlier.

"No." Me and Jack said in unison.I glared at him and crossed my arms.

"Um... Like I- or we said, no. I think Pitch will be planning something bigger. He usually would make a big way to destroy humanity, but this time he didn't make any HUGE problem. Just a few lights went out." Jack commented.

"Soooo... Basically he is coming back, but stronger?" Wendy looked at Jack.

"It's just a guess... But it may happen, after all, he is Pitch Black." Jack sighed and stared into space.

"What is he thinking about?" I whispered to my best friends.

"I have no clue." Ali replied." BUT CAN I HIT HIM BACK TO REALIZATION?!??!"

"No!" Wendy argued. "I want to do it!!!!!" Ali and Wendy continued arguing on who will hit Jack.

"Girls! Shh! We don't want to get him out of his thoughts yet! Just look! North is coming!" I pointed to a sleigh.

"Jack! Wendy! Skyler! Alida!" North greeted. Ali furrowed her eyebrows in disgust and frowned.

"Ali!" She mumbled, quite loudly which made Bunnymund chuckle.

"Hey North! Where you able to save the kids?" Wendy asked.

"Yes and no... A few kids grew up. No longer believing. Only a few teens still believe but the younger children were able to be saved. But there is one particular girl who is "unsave-able" at the moment... She is around 8 years old at the moment. Poor girl..." North sighed.

My eyes widen and my jaw dropped. I looked over to Wendy and Ali and they too, had there eyes wide and mouths dropped.

"Are you three Sheila's okay?" Bunny asked as he patted Ali's back, Sandy giving question symbols, and tooth lightly nudging me.

"Um...yeah!" We-Ali, Wendy,and I- lied in unison. We gave a few nervous laughs and a few fake smiles.

"Okay then... Shall we leave to the Pole?" North walked over to his sleigh.

"Yeah! But who is going to hit that dude back to realization?" I pointed to Jack as I climbed onto the sleigh.

"I'll do it!!!!" Wendy and Ali so ran to Jack,shoving each other out the way trying to hit him but it seems that Bunny beated them to him.

"I'll handle this." Bunny took a few steps back and threw a boomerang at Jack,but before the boomerang hit its target, Jack blocked it.

"Not this time, Easter kangaroo" Jack smirked and flew over to the sleigh. Wendy and Ali were already seated,me being in between each.

"Everyone on?" North asked. Tooth was sitting in the second of the four rows, Sandy sitting in front of us(he was sitting on the third row) next to Jack.

"Do I really need to go on THAT thing?!?" Bunny argued. "I always feel I will die on that thing!"

"Don't worry Bun! You can sit next to me. There is still space back here." Ali suggested. I nudged her left arm and chuckled," Bun?" I questioned while me and Wendy started giggling. Ali just gave us a death glare.

"Yeah, I think the kangaroo will feel safe in the back, with his mommy" Jack laughed as Ali kicked the back of his head. "Hey!!!!" Jack rubbed the back of his head.

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