Chapter 19: Slender's Forest

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Alida (Ali) P.O.V:

The sun was setting slowly. We were still in the air floating. I wonder how the other guardians are doing so far... Are they in trouble? Is everything going smoothly? Did they find Pitch? I just hope Wendy is alright!

"Ali? Hello? Are you listening?" Skyler slapped me out of my thoughts.

I slapped her back and realized that she was unamused. "What?"

"So you weren't listening..." She still kept that unamused face.

"Um... Yes?" I lied as I bit my lip.

"Then what did I ask?" She crossed her arms and raised a brow. "I'm waiting."

"Um..." Think!!!! Gosh! "Oh, um" I had no clue at all.

"Baka! I asked you if you think that Jack has a right to know the secret we are hiding from him!!!!" She exclaimed.

"Oh... Wait which secret?" I looked at her confused. "I am totally lost..."

"You aren't lost. You are right here!" She replied,sarcastically. "You know. The girl..."

"Which girl?!?"

" I can't say her name! Because we don't know if Frosty is here or not!" She thought for a moment. "This girl!!!" She waved her hand a snowflake appeared."The girl-" she whispered the next part into my ear."that can do that!"

"Oh..." I blankly said. "I think he has the right to know. By the looks of it, it seems that he has a crush on you."

"GROSS! He belongs with that girl! But I doubt it's time to tell him. We can't let that happen. If he finds out now, he will go on a rampage searching for her!" Skyler hissed.

"Well when WILL it be time?" I grabbed her shoulders.

"I don't know..." She shrugged. I looked up at the sky and it was starting to turn a dark shade of purple and black.

"We should continue this another time. Right now, we need to find Pitch's hideout and save Wendy!" I exclaimed.

We started searching down Alleyways, abandoned buildings, cemeteries, anything scary! But no luck yet. Everywhere we looked, I felt a cold wind. I ignored it and continued searching. Until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I glanced over to see Skyler.

"What?!?" I whisper-yelled at her.

"I think I found Pitch's hideout..."


"Up in the woods... Slender's woods... There is a mountain there too..."

I started thinking. "Slender's woods? If we make any appearance there... We will be executed by the guards that prevent any human,er, person who is alive to go in!"

"I know... Why don't we just fly over the fence? The fence is wood so no one an look in or out." Skyler looked down. "What do you think?"

"Let's do it!" I replied.

We then started to appear near Slender's Forest and we flew over the fence with out getting caught.

Skyler P.O.V:

We flew over the fence and we didn't get caught. I felt a cold wind blow behind us. I glanced back and saw nothing.

"Sky? There is a note on this tree..." Ali said, pointing to a tree that had paper on it with the writing:' No eyes, always watching'

"Hmm... It looks like we are in the real life game... Do you want to search for the other seven clues? Or just head to Pitch's lair?" I looked at the note.

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