Chapter 11: Dares with Frost

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Jack's P.O.V:

"I hate you more! And you will never find out!" Skyler laughed out.

Ali and Skyler make good pranks. I think those two are funner here, by I'm always number one!

"You should of seen your face!" I chuckled as Bunnymund had an annoyed face on.

"Well at least I wasn't shaking!" He responded.

"SHH! We don't want to wake up the others! You know how angry they get when we wake them up! Sandy has to put dream sand on us if we wake him up!" I shushed Bunny.

"Fine. Now what do we do? I'm not tired, but I don't want to be alone" he sat down.

"Aww. Does the kangaroo want to snuggle up next to Frost?" I laughed and sat upside down on a recliner.

"Don't push it Frost. I'll leave you out here alone if you don't be quiet" His voice sounded tired.

"Do you want to play videogames? Or mess around with the girls?" I asked him.

He gave me a disgusted look and I could tell what he was thinking.

"Not like that! I'm not a pervert!!" I felt my face turn red as I exclaimed to him."You have a dirty mind"

"Not like you. I know you have dirty jokes you always wanted to say" I was quiet. "I knew it"

"So is it a yes? To hang out with the girls? Or no?" I stood up.

"Let's go. Do you want to prank them? Or should we ask if we can hang out there?" We walked silently through the hallways where the rooms were.

"Let's not prank them... They seem to have a competitive spirit and if we get them back, then it's a whole prank war. Especially Ali and Skyler." I answered

We opened the doors of the men hall and headed toward the ladies hall doors.

"You knock" I heard Bunny whisper.

Skyler P.O.V:

We came in after the big prank laughing. We fell on the ground laughing our heads off.

"That prank never gets old!" Ali laughed out the moment she calmed down for a second.

"Never gets old? You did that prank before?" Tooth asked through giggles.

"Yep. We were on a field trip to a summer camp in the woods. We were going on a night hike and before we started, we had to wait. Ali over here,"I pointed to her,"tapped me on the shoulder And told me to help her prank another student." I answered.

"Which one?" Wendy asked.

"She told me to choose any. I told a coach and a student. They looked up and saw Ali there with her hair the same way. She had a black shirt on which made her seem like a monster. The student,who was a boy, screamed like a girl. It was hilarious!" I chuckled.

"Oh! I remember now!" Wendy exclaimed.

"Wow! You two make a good team for pranking!" Tooth complemented us.

"You should should of seen us scare the popular girls! " Ali was full of joy.

Ali was about to ask me a dare when we heard a knock on the door.

"I think it's a prank... The boys must be doing it." Ali blurted.

We decided to go all together and open the door. And guess who we saw.

Bunnymund and the person I least wanted to see. Jack.

"Bunny? Jack? What are you doing here! Your supposed to be in the men hall!" Tooth said.

"We were the only ones up. We wanted to know if we could hang with you guys until you go to bed." Jack answered.

"Actually, I'm kinda tired. I'll go back to the men's hall and sleep. I have to go to my warren later" bunny said hopping away.

Great. Now it's only frost.

We went to the entertainment room and sat down again. I sat in between Ali and Wendy. They had to switch again.

"So, back to what we were doing." Ali started."Skyler, truth or dare?"

"Um..." I thought for a moment. If I say Truth, she will ask something about Jack. If I say dare, she is going to say something with Jack. "Truth" I blurted out after.

"Hmm... Is it true you have a boyfriend?" She nudged my rib cage when she asked. I saw everyone excited to know. Even Jack.

"I don't know why Wendy is excited to know. Since she knows. And yes. I do have a boyfriend. Wait... Does it count if we don't talk to each other that much?" I answered and asked.

"No." Jack blurted out. I could tell he was thinking.

"Um... Okay?" I answered.

"So your final answer?" Ali asked.

"Maybe. I don't even know anymore..." I felt emotional. I don't know why. I should get used to it, since it happened in the past.

Wendy P.O.V:

I saw Sky get emotional after answering Ali. I saw her try to hide it. It worked for the others, but not at me.

I know what happened in the past. I don't know if I should explain with out her permission. So too bad for you guys. She will tell you guys later I guess.

"Sky? It's your turn..." I heard tooth tell Skyler.

"Oh, yeah. Jack!" She had a mischievous smile on her face."Truth or Dare?"

"Dare?" He seemed a bit worried. And me knowing Sky, he should be.

"I dare you to tell us what you think about..." She stopped." Wait. Before you do the dare, answer this question."

He nodded.

"Do you know a girl who's name starts with an E?" She asked.

"Ye-" Jack got interrupted.

"That is not your sister?" Skyler ended.

Jack's face dropped."no..." He answered.

"Oh... Then the dare won't make sense..." Skyler ended. "I dare you to tell us what you think about...Bunnymund. In a nice way."

Jack started laughing. "In a nice way? You got to be kidding me! There is noth-" he got interrupted.

"It's a dare. If you don't answer, then you have to add 5 more to my award!" Skyler smirked.

"Fine! I guess he is pretty cool... But not cool as me!"

"Dude, you create Ice, Snow, and Frost. Of course you're 'Cool' " Ali joked.

"Oh haha!" He said sarcastically.

I looked at my phone. It was 10:00pm.

"Okay... Why don't we do something Else? Besides truth or dare?" Jack asked.

"Sure!" Tooth jumped. I just realized she didn't want to be asked. That's why she was full of joy.

"Team battle!" I heard Ali suggest.

" There is only 5 people! We need 6 if it's teams." Tooth added.

I gave a thought. "Dance battle. There can only be one winner!" I blurted out.

"It's obvious who's going to win that!" Ali said."Skyler would win automatically."


A/N: hellur. Anyways, Here is chapter 11. The story of the camp prank is actually true. Was the chapter long or short? I have no idea. So remember to comment and vote! BYE MY LOYAL READERS!

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