Chapter 12: Nightmares

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Tooth P.O.V:

I saw Skyler laugh. "Well I am a great dancer, I guess?"

"Then, let's dance!" I heard Jack say.

"Here. Use my phone." Skyler insisted. She opened her phone and open Spotify."Who's First? And what song?"

"I'll go first! I choose to go against, no with, Skyler!" Ali exclaimed.

"I think I know a song we can sing and dance!" I heard Skyler say.

I heard some music start to play and Ali and Skyler started to sing.

" I think I love you more than the, Japanese love mmmmm mmm, And we can dance dance dance, to this stereotypes!" The song was pretty funny and they kept going. ((A/N: Sorry if that offended some people in any way! :3))

Their song ended and they sat down. It was quite hilarious how they rapped in a few parts.

"So we are doing a singing and dance little thing? Cool!" Jack was laughing.

"Wendy? Are you going to do something?" I asked her.

"Nah. I'm really shy and horrible at any of this." Wendy went back to reading on her phone. I looked over and it turned out to be that she was writing, er, typing a story.

I looked at the clock and it was 11:30. Wow. Time goes Fast.

"Well, it's getting late..." I said why stretching.

"Frost, out." Jack said while getting up.

"Don't let the spiders bite and the crows wake you up at night" Skyler said in a faint,scary , ghost girl voice.

Wendy and Ali laughed. It must've been an inside joke.

Once Jack left, we all went into our separate rooms.

Jack P.O.V:

I slowly walked out of the ladies hall and flew silently to the men's' hall.

Everyone was asleep. I quietly walked towards my room. I opened the door and Entered. I shut the door as I put my staff down.

I took off my hoodie and placed it on a hook that was next to the bed.

I laid down on my bed and started to drift asleep.

>>>>>>>>>>>Jack's Dream<<<<<<<<<<

"J-Jack!" I heard an unfamiliar female voice scream my name.

"Hold on! I'll be there!" I flew towards a mountain and saw a beautiful girl, probably around 18 or so.

She had platinum blonde hair and a blue dress on.

"Don't leave me alone! Be my guardian!" She screamed.

"I won't! I promise!" I hugged her.

Everything was turning black.

"J-Jack! What's h-happening to me?!?" Her hair was turning black and her dress was turning a dark grey and silver.

"I- I don't know!" I shouted with tears in my eyes.

Her body was turning grey and she said weakly,"Good-bye, my love..."

>>>>>>>>>End of his dream<<<<<<<<<

"NOOO!" I woke up screaming. I put a hand on my head and wiped the tears in my eyes.

Who was she? Who was that girl? Did I know her? No. I would remember someone beautiful as that. She knew my name, she called me her love. What happened?

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