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Sometimes I wonder how some people used to think before they talk or act. It's annoying honestly, and can be so frustrating especially when you are trying to make someone understand something that he or she is quite ignorant of.
Are men really polygamous? This question needs to be answered without any further ado. If you look back at the beginning of creation, God created both the man and the woman originally without any other person but God. But when they disobeyed God, sin comes to dwell in them and they began to do things that are not right. The issue of cheating is something that both men and women do as a result of lack of godly fear, contentment, love and selflessness. People who cheat on their partners or spouses are those without those things I mentioned above. But, do you have to tolerate a cheating partner because you think he or she cannot change? Do you know that you are giving him or her more foothold to continue cheating because he or she knows there's nothing you can do to stop him or You didn't call them out and correct them of their wrongdoing of cheating, instead you overlooked it. Don't be surprised if they cheat in their examinations because you've refused to address their initial wrongdoing and they now think it's normal to cheat because you've gave them the wrong impression that cheating is okay and acceptable in our society.
Is this not the same thing you are doing for your cheating partner??
Honestly, I see this as foolishness on your part. Yeah, I know you are praying for him or her to change, but have you ever sat him or her down and you speak out your mind about this foolish act of his or hers? Have you ever tell him or her you are not comfortable with what he or she is doing? I guess not, because you think he or she would change if you don't say anything, and because "IT'S IN THEIR NATURE TO CHEAT." This is a bad reason of not dealing with this cancerous issue that is going to ruin his or her life if it's not quickly addressed.
Let's get the fact that in our world today both men and women cheat, which some of them can think it's normal and okay for them to do until we speak out against it.
Now imagine in your class you gave your students homework to do at home, in the next day one of your students decided not to do the homework he or she was given until the next day where he or she will collect the book of his or her fellow student and copy the answers to the homework. When you were grading their assignments you noticed that the answers of the two students looked the same but you decided to say nothing when you actually knew that something is seriously wrong. You didn't call them out and correct them of their wrongdoing of cheating, instead you it.

The same thing happens when you have a partner or spouse who cheats and you refuse to call him or her to order, and he or she now thinks you are comfortable with his or her wayward ways whereas you are not

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The same thing happens when you have a partner or spouse who cheats and you refuse to call him or her to order, and he or she now thinks you are comfortable with his or her wayward ways whereas you are not. Don't tell me they won't change if you tell them what they are doing is wrong. And why will you stay in a relationship where your person is not respected? What kind of love do you have for him or her when you know he or she is treading a dangerous path to destruction? You've prayed for him or her but have you engage him or her in a discussion about this problem he or she seems to be having?

 And why will you stay in a relationship where your person is not respected? What kind of love do you have for him or her when you know he or she is treading a dangerous path to destruction? You've prayed for him or her but have you engage him or ...

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Some of you even think you are the reason why he or she is cheating when it's actually not so. You've change yourself in order to stop him or her from cheating all to no avail. My friend, the problem is not with you but with him or her. Please, you don't have to go through hell because of someone who lacks godly fear, contentment, love and respect for you. If he or she doesn't want to change after you've done your best, then it's time to leave them for them to discover their errors. Say no to cheating partners and spouses.
Pray and Act!
God bless you!

Akinkuade Oluwadare Tobi 2017©

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