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"So today we'll be discussing how the work of germ theory influenced surgery in the 19th centur-" the teachers low monotone voice said to the classroom of teenage boys. No one was really paying attention- well everyone except Minho, who was furiously taking notes like his life depended on it.

"Anyone? Hyunjin, how about you?" The teacher said again raising his voice slightly at the tall boy at the back of the class.

Hyunjin's eyes snapped open as he looked around the classroom for help from his friends. However everyone just refused to make eye contact with him, even Minho started to stare passionately at his hand.

"Um- what was the question again?" The class erupted in laughter making Hyunjin go beat red to his ears.

The teacher let out a sigh, "i asked you to explain in your own words what germ theory was and who discovered it." Shaking his head he looked to the other side of the room, just to see a boy with a black hoodie beneath his blazer staring intently out the window.

"Changbin." He said making the boy roll his eyes before looking at the front.

"Take off your hoodie, it's not part of your school uniform. Then you can answer the question for me." Changbin just stared bitterly at the teacher, but complied not wanting to get another N on his report.

After slowly taking of his hoodie and putting it on the back of his chair he turned back to the window.

"Changbin I asked you to-"

"Germ theory was discovered by this French guy called Louis Pasteur, on how there are germs or microorganisms in the air that attack an open wound or dead thing. Counter attacking the whole miasma thing. This helped develop surgery as this then lead to cleaner surgeries as well as things like Jospeh Lister and his carbolic acid." Changbin said naturally as he continued to stare out the window into the now raining field.

The whole class went silent, even the troublemakers Seungmin and Woojin stopped trying to throw pencils into Yugyeom's hair to gape at the black haired boy. Even the teacher didn't know how to respond, this boy had near perfectly described the whole lesson in the first 10 minutes of starting and from only one question.

"Um, yes. Correct. Well done. Right so moving on..." the class continued as normal-

For about 5 minutes before the definite shout of someone going "A PENCIL JUST NEARLY STABBED ME-" made the class break out into uncontrollable cackling.

It was all normal behaviour for this class. When you mention that you're from 10JY4 you don't exactly think of straight A student's or a calm well behaved class. You think more of straight D students and flying dictionaries and condoms.

"Class settle down! Or it's an N for all of you!" This shut everyone up. As much as the thought to continue having fun and causing trouble for their poor history teacher sounded halarious, they'd rather not have a phone call home and 1 hour SLT detentions after school for the next month.

The few seconds of well behaved silence were cut off by a knock at the door, in walked a younger boy- many recognised as Jeongin from a year below. He was holding a pink slip, a important note for someone.

The teacher thanked the smaller boy and Jisung waved to him out the door.

"All of you carry on writing." The teacher said taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes. Thankfully the class had done what they were told and began to write, all except one.

The boy by the window didn't say a word and began to pack up his things, grabbing his bag and walking to the front with his red report in his hands.

The boy passed his report to the teacher and watched as how the teacher opened it to the right day and signed it. Writing a Y is the behaviour box but a M in the homework box.

"Well done today Changbin. However please take care in your homework more, I know you can do it to higher standards. Take care." He said passing back the report and the pink slip.

The student however just gave a distasteful look at his mediocre report and stomped out of the classroom, muttering profanities on the way out.

Everybody was used to this reaction from Changbin and didn't bat an eye, all except Hyunjin- who sadly shook his.

"That boy, when will he ever stop."


Changbin angrily looked at his pink slip, wanting to shred it to pieces then and there on the way to the student support room.

now/at break/at lunch/after school

"The next hour with that fucking therapist is going to be so much fun." He muttered sarcastically as the student support room came into view.

" He muttered sarcastically as the student support room came into view

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'Where's Felix?' I hear you cry. Well don't you worry loves he's currently getting lost at the airport.

I promise it'll progress faster once they meet eachother! (This is also probably going to be a long-ish book)

Eat well, see ya 💓


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