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sometimes the best relationships have the worst moments, where you just want to fucking kill everyone including your lover- but you'd give up your heart for them as soon as they need one. that's when you know your in so fucking deep that it's truly sad, but you don't give a shit.
― my cousins drunk boyfriend last christmas right after she had to move to america for a dance program.



"Chanbean you look like shit."

"Right back at you squirrel." I said throwing a pencil at him.

Jisung dodged the pencil dramatically as if it was a bullet, smiling widely afterwards.

"You know you love me~"

I grimanced at the boy, "you know there are a lot of things I love in this world and you are not one of them."

Jisung gasped loudly, Minho giggling behind him.

"Ya sure I can name a few." Minho said pushing Jisung out the way as he pulled a chair to my table (with Jisung dramatically flinging bimself onto the ground) dropping his bag beside mine; staring fondly at me.

"What?" I asked mildly creeped out.

Minho fluttered his eyelashes, "oh nothing, loverboy! So...what are you getting Felix?"

"What am I getting him? His birthdays ages away." I replied confused, tryung to recall any important dates he had mentioned before.

Minho blinked in surprise, looking at Jisung questioning. Jisung stared back just as confused.

"Dude, what are you actually getting for Felix?" Jisung said sitting on the table opposite me, a playful grin now on his face.

I was getting a bit irritated the duo and their continuous pestering,"what do you mean-"

Minho sighed loudly cutting me off as slumped onto the table, "Fine! Don't tell us! Keep your gross couple things to yourself and don't tell your bestfriends! A boyfriend does really change a man."

I grided my jaw together in annoyance, Minho's vague questions not helping my sleep deprived mentality "You guys are pissing me off, what am I supposed to get him?"

Minho leaned back in his chair confused. "For his leaving party, come on you can think of something!"


"W-what? What the fuck are you saying?" I said standing up quickly, leaning over to Minho.

Minho stood up as well at the sudden change in aura, taking a step away from me, which made me angrier.

"What are you so angry? Did Chan not tell you?"

"Chan?! Why is he leaving?" I shouted at him hands balled into a fist.

Minho's eyes were shaking as he looked over to Jisung, who was protectivly standing beside him, staring at me coldly.

"Dude what's gotton into you? Felix is leaving for Australia in like a week, you know this."

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