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1 week before

"Do you know many freckles you have?"

Felix stopped writing his Korean language essay and turned around on the wheely chair. Raising his eyebrows at the boy cuddling onto the pillows on his bed.

"Not sure, have you counted?" Felix said in a joking manner, not expecting Changbin to look absolutely horrified at Felix's question and drop his head into the pillow.

Felix's questioning smirk shifted into a wide grin as he felt his stomach do a flip, "Wait...really?"

Changbin stayed silent and Felix just couldn't stop smiling, his cheeks hurt. He abandoned his essay which was due tomorrow morning and walked over to his bed and jumped onto it. Startling Changbin, making him raise his head from the pillow.

Felix reached out for his own pillow and layed down beside Changbin, snuggling in close to the other boy. " How many did you count?" He said half teasing and half absolutely lovestruck.

Changbin didn't say anything for a few seconds and just stared at Felix's face, both boys pressed close together in a comfortable embrace.

"Thirty...seven." he said quietly, still staring aimlessly at Felix, who was sure he had gotton a shade darker in red.

"Thirty seven?!" Felix gaped, he had never thought he had so many. "Are you sure? I don't have that many. Count again!" He said jokingly closing his eyes and moving his face closer to Changbin.

Felix didn't expect Changbin to actually touch his face faintly, starting on the left side of his face.

"One..." he breathed softly, automatically letting Felix relax and ease into the warm bed; his hand lazily placed on Changbin chest, feeling it rise slowly. "Two...three...four-" he sounded softer.

Changbin gazed on the drowsy boy, Felix was surely falling asleep and he hadn't even gotton to 5. "Five..."

"I think you've stayed at the same spot for the past 5 freckles Changbin." Felix whispered amusedly, eyes half opened, catching Changbin by surprise that he was still awake.

Changbin looked at where his hand was and sure enough, he had his finger on the first freckle to the left, he hadn't moved since being placed there.

He chuckled, Felix feeling his chest vibrate; making him let out a low chuckle as well. "It's my favourite freckle."

Felix let his eyes close as he snuggled into Changbins hand, which had been caressing his face while he counted. Felix's face was warm and Changbins hand was cold, but the contrast made it feel that more comforting.

"This- this is nice." Felix heard Changbin whisper near his ear, as he got up- temporarily letting the cold take over Felix- pulling the covers on top of them.

Felix wanted to decline the warmth, because he would surely fall asleep and his essay would never end up being completed.

But as soon as Changbin layed down again, letting his arm pull Felix by his waist closer then snaking it around him; Felix concluded that he would not be moving anytime soon.

It was already 8 in the evening and the summer had surely began to leave, it was colder, but the two boys felt nothing but pure warmth and protection.

They felt safe.

"Hey Felix," Changbin whispered again, his arm unconsciously shifting tighter around the others waist, "I think I love you. A lot."

Felix was about to let sleep take over him, but with all his willpower he let a small hum pass his lips followed by a chorus of words he didn't know would come back to haunt him weeks later, "I love you too. Let's stay together forever."

Maybe it was the sleepless nights coming back in revenge, or maybe it was that he felt drunk in happiness, but he couldn't stop talking. "Let's keep holding hands forever, ok?"

Changbin let out a shaky laugh, rubbing Felix's back comfortably. "Alright alright go to sleep now, you're speaking sweet nothings now."

Felix smiled softly, his thoughts about to hit dark. So right before he drifted into a dreamless sleep he muttered closely to Changbin, "if you're still here with me, I'll always be with you."

Changbin felt so many emotions at the same time he thought he was going to pass out. He was just so happy he could burst.

Felix was the cause of his euphoric emotions, and therefore he was sure Felix would also be the death of him.

He smiled and let his head rest in Felix's neck, placing a small kiss on it until he too fell asleep feeling completely at bliss.

They breathed in rythem far from this world, limbs tangled and plenty of warmth to carry them as they soundly slept in eachothers company.

Chan had walked in ready to kick Changbin out the house on his way to his own, but at the sight of the two boys- he didn't have the heart to break them apart.

He gently stepped over to Felix's desk and turned of the lamp, packing away his pens and leaving a small note for him to cringe over in the morning.

Satisfied with his horrible 'stay innocent you heathens' and drawing a bunch of hearts on a post it note he stepped away from the desk.

And just as he was about to walk out, he caught sight of an opened suitcase- filled with a few shirts and socks- peeking through under his cousins bed.

He made sure to push it under the bed properly before he left the two boys to sleep peacefully, not to worry them about problems that would hurt them sooner or later.

He hoped later.

He hoped later

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Hey <3

How are y'all? Anything life changing happen? What was the last song you listened to? How much water have you drank today?


Also I love Khalid and sik-k bye


i sound like those self care instagram accounts lol bUT ISSA TRUE DRINK WATER

See y'all soon :')


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