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"And that, gentlemen, that concludes our biology explanation hour. I trust you all paid close attention and took down notes. Text books are at the front and your work books are in the trays, Jisung hand out the books-"

"bUT SIR-"

"If you have any furthur questions on specialised cells and stem cells please come see me during the next hour. I'll be at my desk- and please keep the volume to a moderate level, if not- we work is silence. Understood boys?"

A long chorus of 'yes' coated the classroom as people moved around for books or to move seats closer to one another.

"yO MY HOMIE CHANGBIN WUS GOOD-" The door suddenly flew open hitting against the cupboard next to it, in walked of course Chan.

Chan was in a year above, and probably the only person Changbin loved but hated equally as much.

It was a complicated friendship.

It seems that today was one of the days that Changbin hated Chan, "what do you want, go to your class," he said not lifting his head from his empty note paper.

"Free period~ and I come with good news dear old friend!" He said again, a bit quieter than before. Seen as how the teacher (who had become tired of kicking Chan out of his classroom) let him stay, he might as well be quiet.

"Oh?" Hyunjin said walking up to them, with Minho following right behind- both carrying their books and a chair.

"I want to hear the good news!" Minho said waving over to Seungmin to join them as well.

"Well, a cousin of mine is joining your class later today!" Revealed Chan, doing some weird jazz hands to go with it.

"A new kid? That's good news? What joy!" Changbin muttered sarcastically colouring in the margin of the page.

"Yah Changbin don't be so grouchy, why's he coming here for literally the last year?" Woojin said (also walking in through the still open door- the teacher again couldn't be bothered to ask him to leave, it has become a normal occurrence and no harm was made so let it be.)

"He's an exchange student, from Australia. He can kind of speak Korean but he isn't amazing yet. I don't think he particularly likes that he's been shipped half way across the world, as he's mentioned about 37 times in the span of 2 days, so please look after him!" Concluded Chan looking around the group of huddled boys making sure he got a response from one of them. To his delight Minho nodded enthusiastically.

Changbin scoffed, drawing attention to him.

"Sounds like a spoilt brat if you ask me, he's not my problem." There was a long heavy silence before Changbin looked up.

Locking eyes with another pair of dark brown, draped on top was very light blonde hair.

And to go with the warm eyes, possibly one of the biggest and purest smiles Changbin had ever witnessed.

Holy shit.
He's cute.

AAhdjejd I'm so disappointed in this im sorry I cANT FLUFF

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AAhdjejd I'm so disappointed in this im sorry I cANT FLUFF

But- ayyye cute moody hormonal teenage boys understanding their sexual attractions for one another, crushing on the first good looking Asian they see.

Original am i right.

Joking it's cute don't @ me.

Hooope you smiled today! If not, please smile? Like right now? At this very second. Just one! If you smiled I'm probably also smiling 💓


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