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"Oh my fucking god. Oh lord my god for shitting fuck. Fuckity fUCK-"

"CHANGBIN STOP." Chan shouted close to murdering the boy infront of him.

For the past 13 minutes Changbin had gone on a complete mental streak, stressing and repeating profanities left and right.

"Can you stop cursing for one fucking minute and tell me what the fuck has got your panties in a twist?!" He said looking straight into the other boys eyes.

"He hates me Chan! He's probably telling his thousands of best friends about how much of a quick tempered asshole I am!" Changbin said pulling the hairs on his head, the canteen food going cold infront of him.

Chan and his squad of not-so-naughty-misfits had taken the jobs of unofficially guarding the staircase at lunch and break. Mainly just blocking the way for year sevens to walk past or to trip over Jackson (2 years above) if he ever thought to appear.

However today it was just Chan and Changbin; the others in the library or chose to stay in the canteen after buying food.

"Wait what? Felix? Felix can't hate anything- he's too pure! Plus he just started today! How popular do you think he is?"

"Have you seen his hair? How can he not stick out and draw attention! Plus he's cute- oh my god he actually hates me. HE HATES-"

"I don't hate you."

Changbin froze, his atheist soul praying to all the gods ever known that the boy at the top of the stairs was not the boy he hoped it would be.

Slowly turning his head, Changbin made eye contact with the bright blonde haired boy. He could feel his cheeks burn but his eyes narrowed; trying to look as threatening as he could.

However Felix didn't seen fazed by the dirty look he was receiving as he smiled lightly before walking down the stairs to meet them.

Changbin softened his eyes as he followed the boy down, until he was right above him. And to his surprise Felix sat down inches away from him- staring deeply into his eyes.

A few seconds passed of Changbin burning red at the close proximity before Felix raised his eyebrows.

"When are you going to blink?" Felix whispered softly, his breath lightly touching Changbins cheeks.

"When am I what?"

"When are you going to blink? I thought we were having an eye contest?"

Changbin stopped, leaned back away from the Australian and laughed.

More like a cackle, but laughed.

"Good god Felix you're too cute for me." He muttered quietly wiping away a small tear from laughing.

"What? What does that mean?"

Changbin stopped- again.

Shit shit shit you just called him cute. You ruined the good 3 minutes you had you fucking idiot Changbin oh lORD-

"You said it before as well, but I don't know what it means? I only understood the part where you said I hated you- which I don't. What does it mean?"

Changbin let out a sigh of relief he didn't know he was keeping in.

"Uh- it means 'kind'. I said you seemed 'kind', so I thought you hated me. Seen as how I walked out when you said hi." Changbin quickly lied.

If it was possible Felix became even more happier as he smiled widely, a small hint of pink on his nose and cheeks.

"Thanks! And it's alright, you looked like you were in a rush. You seem kind(cute) as well!"

Changbin felt butterflies in his stomach and chest as Chan, who he had forgotten was also here, let out a laugh covering it up with a cough.

Changbin called Felix cute, or kyeopta (in korean). But Felix isn't very good at Korean, so he didn't understand what that meant and he heard Changbin call him that twice.

So Changbin lied and said it meant kind.

So Changbin called Felix 'kyeopta' (cute). But Felix thinks it means kind. So he called Changbin cute, thinking it meant kind.

= Felix called Changbin cute without knowing he called him cute.


"How about we start over! Hi! I'm Felix! I'm in 10JY4, I'm from Australia and I hope I can be you friend for the next 6 months!" Felix said holding out his hand, his killer smile burning the darkness of Changbin.

"Seo Changbin, also 10JY4. And ya- I hope for that too." Changbin said allowing a small smile to slip past.

Then that's when Felix pulled him into a hug that Changbin realised- that foreigners were really touchy-feely.

And that Felix smelt like vanilla and peppermint.

And that Felix smelt like vanilla and peppermint

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Who doesn't love a good hug?



Also please, don't be like me- and dress warm if it's cold for you. Even if you end up looking like a penguine, it's important to stay warm. Or if you're lucky and its warmer than -1029388° stay hydrated! Keep out of the sun! Stay safe 💓

1/03/18 (yay)
Dt; AnaBanana013

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