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"Hi! My name's Lee Felix. I'm an exchange student from Australia and I'll be here for 6 months! Please look after me." He said before doing a whole 90° bow, which caught most of the class by surprise.

"Damn he learnt that pretty nicely." Muttered Chan, as he had given Felix a piece of paper with his introduction before he left for school.

A few people clapped for him (Chan and Jisung) while the rest just smiled or stared.

Mainly at his hair.

The only people who ever had hair like that were idols- and Woojin, but for that's a hair statement.

"Uh yes. Welcome Felix, what's your class?" The teacher asked the (tall) young boy.

"My what? My class?" He said fidgeting.

"You know your main teacher and classroom? Like 10YG2 or 10SM1?"

Felix broke into another warm smile, temporarily blinding the teacher, as he began to understand.

"Oh! I'm in 10JY4."

Someone choked.


I watched how he introduced himself like a rehearsed robot, and to make it even better a whole 90° bow.

It made me smile at the youngers innocence, before shaking my head quickly.

Wait why am I smiling? Innocence is annoying- Like children.

Another thing I noticed was how he had completely brushed off the fact that I had insulted him before he even said a word.

Oh god I'm such a dick.

A sudden rush of anxiety nipped at my fingertips at the thought of offending someone who I barely even knew. And to top it of my best friends cousin as well.

Great first impression. Well done Changbin.

I slowly looked up to meet Chan's eyes, which were smiling fondly at me.

I frowned at his gaze.

He looked like a creep.

Then he cupped the side of his face and mouthed something to be.

"He didn't understand you."

My eyes widened, a urge to laugh at my own stupidity overtook me.

Of course he didn't understand what I said, I don't think they taught Korean insults back in Australia.

I looked back to him as the teacher asked him something I didn't hear properly, he was fidgeting with his bag strap and looked extremely confused.

God how can someone looks so adorable. I want to punch him. That little cute fucker.

A smile was back onto his face in a matter of seconds, it was contagious making me look away before I smiled back.

Laying my head on my table I sighed.

Hopefully science is the only lesson I'd ever have to see him in, I don't think I could handel seeing him more than that.

It was probably for the best that he didn't get close to me either. He's here for a while and then he's back millions of miles away. No point.

"Oh! I'm in 10JY4!"

I breathed in way to quickly as my head shot up and before I knew it I was in a coughing fit.

"oH MY GOD HE'S DYING!" Jisung screamed throwing a water bottle at me, hitting me square in the face.

"JISUNG YOU LITTLE SHI-" I started before coughing again.

Great, Changbin, well done. You look even more stupid now. He's loving you for sure.

"Changbin why don't you step outside? Catch your breath- take your stuff to the office as well; you'll be called in a few minutes anyway."

My throat still feeling dry I groaned, hitting the side of the table with my foot, I really didn't want to go to a session after making a fool of myself.

"Can i skip today?" I asked, my leg still  hitting against the table leg- more lightly.

"Sorry son, you've already used your free pass this week. You did well today, come on. Keep it up." I threw my head back angrily.

"For fuck sake." I quietly said before grabbing my bag and pushing past Chan, leaving my books and report on the table. Hyunjin will get it signed for me.

I purposely hit my legs against every table I walked past to get to the front, walking right past the teacher towards the door.

However i stopped, right as my hand was about touch the doorknob. I turned my head to, of course, find another pair of shocked hazel brown ones look back.

He obviously thinks I'm the brat now. You've gone and ruined a new chance at making friends Changbin.

But to my surprise his eyes suddenly fold up and heaven hit me in the ass he was smiling of his.

Quietly he brought his hand up and waved at me, "hi."

Walking hurriedly out of the classroom blushing red without replying, is probably the most regretful thing I've done in awhile.

Walking hurriedly out of the classroom blushing red without replying, is probably the most regretful thing I've done in awhile

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Someone save mah bby he just wants to make new friends


Felix is so pure??? Can i cry????

Hope you liked this.

Please stay healthy and happy! I can assure you that you are beautiful and amazing the way you are 💓 But now that spring is super close people have started dieting ready for the summer (me included lol) but please remember to stick to a well planned diet and not to push yourself. And as all diet and gym nerds know (again me included lol) happiness and being comfortable is number 1 priority on a diet plan. I love you so very much you adorable soft babies omg wjdjejtjef ❤❤❤

 I love you so very much you adorable soft babies omg wjdjejtjef ❤❤❤

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Dt; xSquishyBangtanx

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