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"Oh my god! Changbin, just sit down! He's probably just getting his luggage!" Jisung shouted at his bestfriend who was nervously walking up and down the aisle.

The airport was never a good place in Changbins mind, because every goddamn time- for the past 7 years- it's always to say goodbye.

Of course, this time it was different. Because Felix was actually going to live here. As in, in the same continent, the same city, the same house.

So in truth Changbin had no idea why he was so nervous. As soon as he saw Felix it would mean he never had to let go again.

But maybe the fact that this was a new chapter in their life was what was scarier then saying goodbye.

Jisung however was fed up, "honestly calm down lover boy. You'd think after 7 years you'd get bored of eachother. You're already moving in together- at this point why don't the two of you just get married?" He mumbled angrily. Felix flight had been delayed for 3 hours with an additional hour for passport checks, so 4 hours of watching Changbin switch between stress eating and walking up and down like a drugged model was not how he wanted to spend his Saturday.

But Jisung couldn't help but smile when Felix texted him, all his anger evaporating as soon as he got the message.

is everyone ready?

all systems goooo

all good over here

im ready ! !

let's hope this works out


all prepared here

go get 'em tiger

"For fuck sake!" Jisung said, trying to sound as frustrated as he could, happy when Changbin looked over to him with sorry eyes. "I'm going to the bathroom, kick him for me if he shows up."

Changbin nodded silently as he watched Jisung storm off into one of the long corridors of the relatively empty airport. It wasn't holiday season so many travellers were in business suits or traveling within the country.

Suddenly the gentle chatter of people was drowned out as the warm chords of a song began to play in the speakers.

The man looked up confusedly, not expecting a group of people to suddenly start dancing infront of him.

He stood back and looked around, catching the glance of a camera and immediately smiled. It was one of those popular flash mobs he saw all over YouTube and a part of him relaxed- wanting to enjoy something he'd probably never see.

Three people danced in unison, smiling widely as they mouthed the words of the song.

There are days,
I wake up and I pinch myself
You're with me,
not someone else

Changbin couldn't help but laugh at the familiarity of the song, one he and Felix had shared only a few weeks ago. But the smile was immediately replaced with a shocked expression as he realised they were pointing at him.

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