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"what- what the fuck..." Jisung said looking at the people gathered infront of the door.

Chan licked his lips awkwardly, a hand on Felixs back reassuringly, or maybe it was to make sure he didn't run away. "Can we come in?"

Minho suddenly appeared at the doorway, "oh my god! Why are you standing outside? Come in-" he said as he pushed the wide eyed Jisung out the way and made sure the two walked in.

"Minho? You know this is my house right?" Seungmin suddenly said from the kitchen, a spatula in his hand.

Minho rolled his eyes and gently pushed Felix into the living room, "So? I can't invite our friends in?"

"Not all of them were invited..." Jisung said quietly under his breath as he joined Hyunjin in the living room, who was staring intensely at the TV- avoiding everyone who had just walked in.

Minho threw his phone at Jisung and immediately looked back at Felix with pity in his eyes.

Felix felt that.

It hurt.

"I'm sorry." He said loudly, to no one in particular.

Seungmin stopped cooking and Hyunjin muted the TV.

The house was silent.

Until Chan let out an exasperated sigh.

"You people are such downers. I came here for food, not a k-drama fight scene." He said throwing his coat at Jisung, who was staring angrily at Felix.

"Chan, we invited just you for dinner...not-" Hyunjin said hesitantly getting up off the floor, only to stop at the colour fading from Felix's face. "I didn't mean it like that! It's just, this dinner was for Changbin and us...I didn't think you two would be comfortable together..."

"He's not coming." A new voice said from the doorway.

"How the- why do you people act like you live here?" Seungmin said irritated.

"The door was open?" Woojin replied as he casually walked passed Felix, Jeongin following behind.

Jeongin stopped abruptly at the sight of the uncomfortable foreigner, "what? Why are you here?"

"Jeongin!" Hyunjin shouted glaring at the youngest boy.

"What? I thought he-"

"Jeongin stop!" Seungmin quickly stopped him.

"Why should he stop? He isn't finished?"

"Jisung shut the fuck up!" Minho shouted fed up at Jisung, who was standing dangerously close to Felix.

"No Minho you shut the fuck up! Why are we just ignoring the fact that because of this-" he said jabbing at Felix's chest, making him step backwards, "this...this fucking idiot- is the reason out best friend hasn't come into school for two weeks? Hasn't called us? Texted? He won't even open his front door!"

"It wasn't his fault Jisung, back off." Chan said nudging the angry boy back.

Hyunjin walked closer to the trio, feeling the mood growing heavier.

"I'm sorry." Felix said again, this time aimed at the fuming boy infront of him.

"You're sorry? Fuck- you better be! Me and Changbin have never fought ever in our whole entire lives, and I've known him for years. The you show up! You- you're so-" he let out a frustrated growl and grabbed the collar of the other boy.

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