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"How was your date?"

Changbin rolled his eyes and closed the gate to his house, turning back to see Hyunjin and Seungmin waiting with their hands in their pockets.

"Like you weren't there. Plus- it wasn't a date." Changbin said a frown on his face.

"What? We weren't there! No! Pfft! Right Seungmin?" Hyunjin quickly said jabbing the other boy with his elbow.

"Y-ya! We were at home, playing video games..."

Changbin continued to frown before walking along the pavement, the two behind him watching.

"For real Changbin how was it? Did you kiss? Did you cuddle? Did you buy him lunch? Did he buy you lunch?" Seungmin said walking closer to Changbin, Hyunjin doing the same.

"Did you drop him of? What did you do after the movies? What di-"

"I SWEAR TO GOD! NOTHING HAPPENED! WE WATCHED THE MOVIE, GOT SMOOTHIES AND THEN I DROPPED HIM OFF AT HOME! NOW PLEASE STOP PESTERING ME!" Changbin exploded, as an elderly lady and her chihuahua walking by jumped at his outburst- her muttering something along the lines of 'stupid homosepians.'

Hyunjin and Seungmin stood wide eyed. "Did- did you just say please? And not swear once or threaten us? Who are YOU? One date with the sun and you're suddenly Jesus?!" Hyunjin whisper shouted genuinly looking concerned.

"Its Monday don't make me beat you with my foot."

"That's kicking- but ok point taken. No violence please. You carry on with your walking." Hyunjin quickly recollected himself with a smirk back on his face.

That was the one thing that Changbin hated about Hyunjin, he was too good at this. The only person who changbin ever saw as a threat- because he was so smart and manipulative.

He looked over at Seungmin and just saw him staring at a nearby butterfly, absolute peace on his face.

Too pure, how where they friends again?

Changbin sighed, not even wanting to talk back to him anymore and continued to walk.

It was silent for a few minutes with the normal chatter of the two behind him, however the name of a certain foreigner got his attention.

"Do you think Felix knows it wasn't a date?" Seungmin whispered.

"What do you mean? Felix thought it was a date?" Hyunjin whispered back, leaning in closer.

"Well duh. Them two alone, a movie, cuddles, smoothies and then he walked him home? He fucking walked. Him. Home. Of course he thought it was a date!"

"But how do you know for sure? He could've just been really happy about going out with a friend?"

Seungmin flicked Hyunjin on the forehead and kissed his teeth. "You idiot remember I showed you what Chan texted me? Felix was a blushing mess and couldn't stop talking about Changbin. He's whipped."

As Hyunjin rubbed his forehead and Seungmin looked at him with guilt, Changbin was re-evaluating all his life choises.


Ok, mental note number one. Do not ever walk to or from school with these two.

Two, holy shit.

Three, holy shit.

Four, holy shit.

Felix likes me?


"CHANGBINNIE!" A familiar deep voice said behind me.

Don't turn around.

Don't do it.



I hurriedly whipped round on my heels to be face to face with none other than the protagonist himself.

Awkwardly laughing I moved back putting some space between the.

"Yo- Felix. My bro. My brother. Isn't the weather great today? Beautiful sunshine and clear skies-"

"Changbin it's been raining since last night, and it's dark."

I could practically feel the colour spreading across my face and neck as I shuffled even furthur back.

"Oh ya. Um- well, what can I say? I love fel- DARK. DARK. DARK IS GREAT. I NEED TO GO." I rapidly said before speeding off round the corner to the medical room. The ground moving from side to side beneath me.

Not even bothering to look for a teacher, I grabbed a cup and filled it up with the water from the tank and sank into one of the beds. Coming here often pays of.

Looking up at the clock I grimanced. Second period was about to start and I hate English.

Fuck Shakespeare. Who the fuck does he think he is.

 Who the fuck does he think he is

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gUyS i lOvE cHanGbIn sO mUcH

They're so pure


Hi, I love Hyunjin and Seungmin pleaselove them too <333333

Please smile and be happy today!



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